I was wondering why my computer–pardon me, I’ve gone from Windows 95b to XP–everytime I’m on a web page that has a search bar, remembers everything I’ve searched for–the list is becoming a long drop down box now–despite clearing all else in the history. . . It’s kind of annoying, I almost click the wrong things when I try to type a search in, on MSN, or Google, or even IMDB–it remembers every movie title I’ve ever looked up. For my user name on this site it remembered it, and all I had to do was click on it with my mouse from the little drop down, and it automatically put my password in when I did that. Not cool!
Is there any way I can purge this bugging feature?
Use mozilla firefox its free and its better than internet explorer. It also blocks pop-ups and it solve your problem instead a messing around with internet explorer. You can get it from http://www.mozilla.org/download.html Make sure you get firefox 9.3 or better
I just figured it out. I’m pretty sure it was the AutoComplete feature. It seems weird how much these new computers store for temporary files and such, when the internet is such a dangerous place. It’s kind of a paradox in a way. Well, I can tell I’m tired, and feeling like a cave dweller with this new technology–I’m only eighteen! Haha! Thanks for the suggestion, despite
While Mozilla Firefox is the Dope Shizzinest browser, its still in testing stages and not perfect(well, for an average compy user anyway) when you gt reall nitty gritty with it there are still some things it lacks.
Mt. Uni,
Skunk is right about Mozilla, but XP’s browser will store searches ut not passwords unless it gets your permission. It seems as though wenever you’re seeing a pop-up box that you just click ok without reading what it says. Even though the compy knows what to do most of the time, it doesn’t know the right thing to do all of the time, so read your pop-up bxes wiseley.
Firefox isn’t perfect for the average user? Damn, guess I should get my dad to stop using it… Seriously, Firefox is fine for everyone I can think of, the only thing I would keep IE around for is the 10% of websites that refuse to work with Firefox/Mozilla… and even then I haven’t run into one of those in over a year (Linux User, no IE for me!)
Oh, S**t, I didn’t realise I said it that way. What I was meaning to say is it is a great browser for average users, but power user options still need to be worked out.