Will a Nimbus 20" Trials Uni Hold Up

I’ve been doing some hops and drops on my 24" Nimbus Muni. I want to get something a little more nimble as well as taking the stress off my 170 cranks. The 20" looks like a good value, but am I just going to trash it in a short time. I can’t spend $400-$600 right now. I’m 6’3" 200lbs. Will I Kill It?

most likey yes

go for splined

Re: Will a Nimbus 20" Trials Uni Hold Up

It’s hard to say if the Nimbus will be strong enough for you. Ideally, you would want to get something stronger, but as you said, you don’t have the money. I know what that’s like. So back to the Nimbus… How big were you planning to go on it? I don’t think that hub is good for any drops larger then a few feet for someone your size. Especially if you don’t roll out when you land or you miss a landing.

One option you may want to look into is the Torker DX. It has a splined hub, but cannot accept a trials tire. You could get it and replace the rim, frame, and tire when you have the money.

You might also want to check for people selling used trials cycles. Right now there is a used Summit Trials (which is much stronger then the Nimbus and Torker) for sale in the auctions section of the unicyclist.com site.


I bought a United for trials ( heavily modified, but it still wasn’t too expensive), and it has been good.

however, i’m now in the market for profiles…

The weak link in the nimbus trials unicycle is going to be the hub and crank set.

Obviously there are a large number of variables to take into account when considering if something will last the distance
Key factors though are
-riding style
-what kind of heights you are dropping off
-your weight.

I can’t comment directly on you without seeing you ride but here is my take on the nimbus 20".

I am 6"2 and also weigh 200 pounds. For me I know it is highly likely I would trash the cranks on a nimbus trials uni the first time I jumped off a picnic table. I am fairly confident the rest of the unicycle, including the axle would stand up to a fair bit of this level of abuse.

After bending the cranks I would replace them with some beefy aluminium ones and ride that.

If I was going to tackle things larger than a picnic table I’d buy a splined unicycle.