so does anyone else’s significant other get mad at you cause you are always on here reading, or posting? my GF does all the time, just wondering if im alone on this one.
I’m a lone wolf, can’t help you on this one.
The last one got mad at pretty much anything, the new one is the opposite, so I don’t know if either are very good examples.
my parents get mad at me if i’m on here for 1/2 an hour or so. to solve that problem i just never stay on to long i just check in every hourish. that i can
seems whenever I’m in here I end up leaving with some new stuff ordered
Oh, I thought you were asking if they were mad (as in mentally unstable). Thought it was a bit of an odd question… then I realised you meant the US meaning (angry)
I get the ol’ eye-roll and a long-suffering sigh…
i have no girlfriend, but i think that might be why.
im with james…people think im a lose r cuz i ride a uni…but hey thats one thing i can do and they cant
my g/f has learned that if she sees me surfing the fora that i’ll be on the computer for more than “just a few minutes, hon” she never gets mad, though, although i get “the look” sometimes…
what, 'cause you hang out in the fora too much, or 'cause you ride a uni? why don’t you post more videos of you riding? you could totally get a uni groupie following; i’m sure there’d be some ladies drooling over your radical moves. give 'er a try!
Yes, definitely. We’ve had more than one fight over this. Although it’s OK for her to watch a couple of hours of taped soap operas every night, if I’m on the internet (which means, mostly here) for over a half-hour, she starts stomping around and then I have to say, “what’s the matter?” cuz I don’t want to let her get away with acting childish without me noticing, then it just goes on from there.
What is UP with that??
No significant other for me, but my parents don’t care that I’m on the forums when I am, since I help around the house and am outside anyway for 1-2 hours a day riding and keeping myself healthy.
And if I did have a girlfriend, you bet your ass I’d log off the forums to go spend time with her.
the humans don’t really care, but sometimes my unicycle gets mad at me when i spend too much time here. i think it’s just jealousy.