How wide of a tire can the Torker TX have? Thanks.
prolly jsut the one it comes with… i have a similar one and i tryed to put one of my old trials tires on and it didnt work…
I think you can fit a 2.3 tire for the max on a giraffe, I will have to check once I get home.
Take it to your LBS and ask them to find the fattest tire they can fit on it, they probaby wouldnt mind swapping out about 4 tires to find the right size.
i can see where this is going… Triams giraffing… schweet…
trials giraffe?
watch the last video on the koxx-one page, it’s the one where they go to denmark… look for the guy on the giraffe…
At unicon some guys had a custom trials giraffe with belt drive, a hand made frame and a trials 19" rim with the CC 2.5" tyre, it was fantastic. I think you could probably go a little larger in the TX, however if you are considering doing trials on it they do bend easily, my friend bent the axle on his doing nothing larger than dropping curbs. I have one aswell and the frame flexes massively if you try to hop on it. The limitation with the tyre is the width rather than the height so you could get something which was knobbly but not particularly wide if you want more grip for rough ground.
How about a 4.25" wide tire
That’s beautiful, but it seems somehow different from a standard TX. Must be a pain to ride, I’ve ridden that tyre briefly on a normal uni and found it pretty difficult to turn on.
what size is that seatpost?
that is the coolest giraffe i have ever seen
yes it is…
yes it is.
i don’t know about the size of the tire … i suppose it would depend on the size of the frame. if anyone gets into trials girraffe, send me a link to a video so i can watch. it sounds really hard to do!!! good luck.
Instead of thread jacking this post, I’ll take some more pics and start a new Choppiraffe thread with more specs and details later this week.
did you use a tire from a west coast chopper bicycle, because thats what it looks like.