Why why WHY?!?!

WHY IS THE MOST REPLIES THREAD LOCKED?!?!?!?!? Gilby, bring it back! NOW!!!


Today is my worst day in history, I’m going to do something horrible to myself. First off. I can’t go on this trip that really helps me mentally this week, my friend invites me to an Ozma concert tonight because she couldn’t get a hold of this other girl she invited that I was replacing than at the last 10 minutes she contacts her and I made this shirt that I was going to have signed by STAR!!! FREAKIN’ STAR, MAN!!! AAAAHHH!!! And now I find that MOST REPLYS!!! is locked… I’m really depressed guys and gals, I don’t know what to do, I think I’m gonna go unicycle out in the 50 degree weather. Yeah, so… later guys.


Might be last post, don’t get any ideas of me killin’ myself, I’m not that dumb. :roll_eyes:

because!becauseBecause!..I don’t know… :thinking:

I just realized something. Other than Gilby (and it is his house we’re playing in), I had the LAST reply in the Most Replies Thread!:slight_smile:

Yeah, Spyder, go off and have your fun and joy, while we’re here crying.:slight_smile:

So Gilby, when you laugh at locking that thread, taking away our ONE PIECE OF HAPPINESS on this forum, other than all the other pieces of happiness, think of what you did to ITEMNO530.

Hey James_Potter, let’s use this thread to continue the Most Replies, but not tell anyone! Let them just keep replying.

The problem with that is, that you just said it out openly in the open, even though it is camouflaged. So everyone in the world knows, now.

Okay, can this be the Most Replies thread now? Only 1072 to go!

I mean, not 1071 factorial, that’s a big number. I mean, just 1071.

Okay, this is OFFICIALLY the most replies thread until Gilby brings back the old one. Assuming he will, of course.


Oh great

Here we go again

Sofa’s helping out. How influential of him.

As of now, I’ve got the most replies on this.

Awww, thanks Sofa! You’re great!

And Spyder, now it’s TIED! Take THAT!

NOW I’M AHEAD! Woohoo, go me.

HEY! Are you using some kind of auto-reply software? I don’t think that’s allowed.

Well i’ve got 2 or 3 now

and now 4

Yes, I admit it.
I am using a type of auto-reply software. It consists of a mouse and a keyboard. What I do is I click the REPLY button using the mouse, then I type the message like this using the keyboard. Then, once again utilizing the mouse, I click Submit Reply.