When I started riding I was the only person I knew that owned a unicycle.
Youtube was a great place to find more information and inspiration on a sport that I knew absolutely nothing about. After being exposed to extreme riding online, I sought out DVDs, magazines, and anything else uni-related I could get my hands on. It might be different in a large city with a thriving unicycle community, but speaking as one of the older riders in our community (I haven’t even been riding for 4 years), Youtube and other online sources are really helping to shape our local unicycle culture. I think availability is a major reason some of these DVDs aren’t selling… you can’t find them anywhere.
I really don’t agree with people who say that the sport isn’t growing. I see more unicycles today than I did even 2 years ago. And the skill level of even casual riders in growing at exciting speeds. I agree that more mainstream exposure would be wonderful, and people making some cash from riding wouldn’t hurt… but money can’t be the motivating force behind riding.
Artists and musicians continue to create even when faced with a choice between new guitar string, pencils, etc. or a decent meal. I don’t see why unicycling is that different. This is a sport still in it’s infancy compared to others. I really don’t see the need for some of the negativity I read regarding
the state of unicycling.
I guess I don’t really have a point in this mess of a post, I just wanted my turn on the soapbox.