Why Isaac Steiner is my favorite rider :)

When he lands a trick I can’t do, it makes the trick 10x easier for me:p


Haha, glad I could help :wink:


Sweet that you guys can have some friendly competition :sunglasses: Keeps you both at it and constantly improving. Nice trey to pedalflip:p

Yeah, I figured I should have my first treyflip be done with some pizazz.

Aha, I got ya :roll_eyes:


do you find it easier lower saddle then colby?

yeah that was sweet :slight_smile:

That was FULLY a one footed landing.

I’m confused. Wasn’t there a shit load of treys in your last vid? Or were they… “blind” bahaha

no but they weren´t in flat

nice. i like that 1 footed landing, its awesome. almost looks intentional :slight_smile: