Why is there a German unicycling forum?

Only if I get to see you both blush!


Who’d’ve ever thought that I’d pay for the privelege to see a couple of brothers be ashamed that somebody else was paying for their drinks while they argued about who should pay for their drinks which they should be ashamed of drinking and arguing about in the first place?

I need a drink.

Re: Only if I get to see you both blush!

Umm. What he said…

Phil, just me

German Municycling event…

Hi Andrew.
Thank’s for u interes for our German-Forum.
Since we start in this year,we have many new Municycler and every day new one wil be borne.
Next year in April (Eastern) we have a big meeting in the near from Nürnberg (Munich).We hope of internationat guest maby from UK or USA.If u wat to get more informations,please send a private messageon my e-mail adress.
I wish much fun on unknown trails and dont brake u leg:D
See u,Oliver

Re: Re: Why did Cain kill Able?

You both may have a virtual pint on me.



Look what we have here… http://www.yorkbrew.demon.co.uk/

Phil, just me

Mmmmm… Nice.
I rather enjoyed reading about their beers and the pubs.

I like that most of the beers are served cask conditioned. A good beer just tastes better that way. There are a few places around here where you can get a cask conditioned pint, but very few and usually they’ll only have one tap. Unfortunately most people here prefer the CO2 or nitrogen. But I’m not complaining too much because we still have the best beer in the US here.

I’m going to have to go over to the UK in the next year or two for a unicycle convention and a serious pub tour.

Meanwhile, back on topic…

I think what Andrew really meant was:
“Why isn’t there an Australian unicycling forum?”

To match your avatar, I suppose. But… wait!

On-topic joke time, methinks.

There’s a big conference of beer producers. At the end of the day, all of the presidents of all beer companies decide to have a drink in a bar.

The president of Budweiser orders a Bud,
the president of Miller orders a Miller Lite,
Adolph Coors orders a Coors
and the list goes on…

Then the waitress asks Arthur Guinness what he wants to drink, and to everybody’s amazement, Mr. Guinness orders a Coke.

“Why don’t you order a Guinness?” his colleagues ask.

“Naah. If you guys won’t drink beer, then neither will I.”

Phil, just me

The irony of me choosing a Guinness pint for my avatar instead of a local beer is not lost on me. I tried shrinking down pictures of some local stouts but they didn’t end up looking as good and it was hard to tell that they were a pint of beer. The Guinness pints have that distinctive look that everyone knows and are instantly recognizable as a pint of good beer. Guinness pints are a thing of beauty.

I do like Guinness, but it isn’t my favorite beer. I prefer stouts with a little more bite in them.

My favorite local brewpub is McMenamins My favorite McMenamins beer is Terminator Stout


We had a business trip to the Portland area last Tuesday, when I saw the McMenamins sign I immediately though of your rave reviews so we stopped for brews and burgers in Clackamas.


Not to break up the beer discussion, but I think the original question on this topic was confusing Germany the country with German the language. It is a forum to talk about unicycling in German.

There are two reasons why this is important:

  1. Not everyone speaks/write English

  2. Perhaps more importantly, even people who grew up with English as their first language get enough ribbing from you nerds out there. Imagine trying to keep a topic from straying to nonsense in a second or third language?

I expect if people request it there will follow fourms for Spanish, Japanese, and any other language that has a group dedicated to discussing unicycling.

cld ther b a seprat 4um 4 ppl who write like ths?


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Let that be a lesson to all you nerds who think that your Arby’s glasses can hold a candle to John’s Burger King glasses!

I can definitely see the connection to the topic of unicycling!

Can’t you?