Why is Libby smiling? Vice Pres Cheney's Chief of Staff

Ever notice, everyday they show Libby getting out of his car going to Court, or leaving Court, and he is always smiling. a really big smile, like he’s the happiest guy.

And he is going to get convicted of perjury, and neither he nor Vice Pres Cheney will testify.

So why is Libby smiling all the time???

cause he didnt spend 15600.00 of our tax dollars to hide that perfect dental arrangement in his mouth. he was severely criticised as a child for having krooked buttery teeth. but now he got them fixed and loves to show it off!

Because he’ll be pardoned.

I wonder…

Cheney shot a guy in the face and he apologized to Cheney. I don’t think it would be hard for them to get Scooter to smile.

You may be on to something…

What’s the verdict??


Not only is Steveyo a fantastic uni rider, Steveyo CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE!!!

How do you do it???


He wasn’t pardoned he still has to pay a fine and serve probation.

Don’t drink the kool-aid, Obie.

While Bush was governor of Texas, he allowed over 150 executions to take place, commuting the death penalty for only one prisoner. That’s almost 15% of the total number of inmates that have been executed in the entire history of the United States! (See http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/)

Considering these numbers, Bush must be “tough on crime,” right?


Oh, no, Libby wasn’t pardoned, he was just spared from ~2 years in white-collar summer camp. Really, now, would we want poor old Scooter to get his hands dirty? After all, he was only a traitor to his country…

Despite how much Bush loves the death sentence, he couldn’t even stand the thought of his pal Scooter doing 2 years of arts & crafts, calisthenics and snack time with the other white-collar criminals.

This, son, is no less than an outrage.

You must be too stoned to care.

You can stay away from whatever it is that you’re drinking too. Your level of knowledge shows that this story is more than just a passing curiosity for you.

Clinton was handy with the pardons too. (I had to Google to grep my memory about any of that).

If you want to get outraged then don’t make it a Democrat vs. Republican fight because both parties are just as bad in that respect. Just business as usual. Direct your outrage at the system. This story rates as a “meh” for me.

John, while I highly value your unicycle-mechanic knowledge, I fear you are too easy with your "meh"s. Without making a comparison via dems and repubs, what Bush has done here is clear.

He has shown that he values his and Cheney’s reputations more than the national interest, and that his underlings may, nay, SHOULD lie to protect them, and there will be no repercussions when they do so.

No, not “meh”. Not at all.

Libs seem to have no shortage of “selective outrage”. Here’s Clinton’s pardon and commutations list: (Scroll down to see the actual offenses/convictions by each “pardon-ee”, which include money laundering, cocaine importation, tax evasion, lying before a grand jury (sound familiar?) and on and on!) Clinton Pardon's List

And you think the Libby pardon is a big deal? Remember Clinton’s Mark Rich pardon? That was the most outrageous of them all…by far!: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,99302,00.html

This pardon sparked a firestorm of outrage from both parties, Dems and republicans alike, and rightly so. This makes Libby look like Mother Teresa! :slight_smile:

Terry - I do not make excuses for Clinton. He’s an a$$hole. What you’re doing is a tactic often used by Bush supporter/apologists, which is to show how badly Clinton or some other democrat acted. I’m not just one of your “Libs”, but protested Clinton’s shortcomings as well. Either way, what previous bad guys did is moot.

This one thing Bush has done stands out starkly. He said he’d get to the bottom of the CIA agent (Plame) outing and fire all who were involved. After all, the act was treason and not selling pot or cocaine or something.

So it turns out at least the whole VP branch was being implicated in the investigation. Scooter covers it by lying, and is now not going to answer for this obstruction of justice in a case of treason by the highest levels of officials. The leak was made merely to discredit an outspoken critic (Joe Wilson) of a big piece of the Bush/Cheney false Iraq war propaganda.

Bush granted this pardon (OK - commutation) because he feared what would come out if Libby really did have to go to the slammer.

I’d be pleasantly surprised if you reply to my post with thoughtful ideas in your own wording.

I’m not a fan of Bush by a long shot, and my political leanings tend to be more libertarian, but your claim (directly above) has no basis in fact; that is your opinion. I firmly stand by what I said about “selective outrage”, and yes, that goes for both sides. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, just don’t try to pass them off as facts.

It’s a “meh” to me and I’m generally consistent in my “mehs”.

The whole thing is a soap opera of inside politics. It is hardball partisan politics to be sure. But the whole Valerie Plame thing never resonated with me as anything to get worked up about. The inside partisan politics game usually doesn’t interest me unless it affects some of the issues I care about.

The Valerie Plame thing fits in the category of what I call manufactured outrage and not outrage based on its merits.

The part of the story that initially had my interest was the part about Robert Novak being pressured to reveal his sources. That was a press issue.

Apropos of nothing, but an interesting coincidence, assuming one believes in coincidences - note, V did not - Scooter Libby was Marc Rich’s attorney.

The Plame “thing” is a sidebar of the outrageous war-drums banged by Bush et al. They claimed Iraq sought uranium from Niger, which was already discredited by US intellence agencies. Then Wilson was sent to Niger and he also reported there was no truth to the yellowcake claims. Bush/Cheney then disregarded all the prior intelligence, and Wilson’s report, and included an outright falsehood in the State of the F—ing Union address to rile up the nation for a war with Iraq.

Wilson was outraged and published his famous op-ed in the NY Times completely discrediting the uranium issue. The Cheney/Rove machine decided it would discredit Wilson by claiming that his wife had sent him to Niger on what they termed a “junket”. It was, in fact, CIA’s Directorate of Operations counterproliferation division which selected him for his trip based his previous experience in Niger.

In the admin’s discrediting of Wilson, the fact that Plame was a covert agent was revealed, though only as a side effect of their real aim, which was to discredit Wilson’s criticism of the false uranium claim.

So scaring the American people into a war with previously discredited, false reasons, implying immenent nuclear war, never resonated with you as anything to get worked up about? Hmmm…

I highlighted the facts by bolding them in the above quote. The red text is the opinion I offered, though it is rather widely held opinion. Do you disagree with any of the bolded text, because I can substantiate all of it if you’d like.

NEWS FLASH: Clinton’s no longer president! Did you miss that in your Google search?

So… are you saying “Clinton did it so it’s okay for Bush to do it too?” Does Dubya now have Carte Blanche to make all the same mistakes all previous presidents did?

Dubya’s track record of riding on his high horse ain’t getting any better. It seems he has no concept of accountability.

I’m still betting on Steveyo’s prediction. Scooter will get a full pardon before Bushie leaves office.