Why don't we invade North Korea?

Not much of a war monger, so I am a little surprised I am thinking this.

Here’s the plan. Nato, Russia and China sign into a plan to “give” North Korea to South Korea. This team blows away the nut jobs currently running North Korea, and yet would not be left with a mess like Iraq.

Sorta like other failed communist states, East Germany combined with West Germany, this plan has a reasonably successful track record.

I think the reason this particular spoke in the axis of evil never got tightened had to do with the fact that there was a whole lot more $ going to Cheny Inc. by going into Iraq. But I digress.

Bang for buck. The most classic way to define War economics. We could (and should), get the Chinese and South Koreans to do this, with only minor USA help. We spent a Trillion $ enriching Cheny Inc. by invading Iraq. Why not invade a country that is ABSOLUTELY RUN BY A NUT WHO IS MAKING NUKES. :astonished: For only a few billion dollars. Removing a proven nut who has exploded Atom bombs and launched many missiles. His mental health is not improving, and his people are suffering badly.

It makes a lot of sense from a humanitarian viewpoint, the North Koreans live in fear of their nut job dictator, while starving. They will truly greet the South Koreans as liberators, there will be no costly occupation (for USA) like in Iraq. The North Koreans know they live in a prison camp run by psychos, and dream of life in the South everyday.

The Korean War of the 1950’s will not reoccur. That was a “Cold War” proxy fight between the USSR-Mao vs. USA. In this new situation, Nato, China, Russia and the USA is one team, with a hand off to South Korea as the end game.

The “short war”, I so cheerfully suggest would be basically the whole world vs. Kim Stupidly Ill II . Then the South Koreans move in and revamp the country, instead of expensive USA clueless Black Water gun slingers , and endless billions of dollars a USA occupation requires. South Korea could handle the post war period with minor funding. I bet North Korea would fold faster then Iraq did. The news that they are now part of a country with wages 10 x what they were making before, run by Koreans with the same language, not some weird westerners, will make all the difference.


Are you sure about that? What makes you think so?

Let’s do it.

It beats the rationale for invading Iraq hands down.

And we did so well in Korea last time.

Yes, I often find that when someone either hates me or is deeply suspicious of me, beating them to a pulp makes them like me. Except in real life, of course.

Real people die horribly in wars - even if many of them are not privileged to be Americans.

Who would Jesus bomb?

Why would Jesus need a bomb?

it’s funny

Your Moms Funny!:smiley:

I believe that it should be done only as a response to military aggression, as in they fire at us, not just they test bomb. Though by the looks of things, them firing at us might be pretty soon… Also i worry about china’s role. China seems to be against north koreas actions right now, but if it does go to war, will they side with us, them, or stay neutral. I think china has more economic benifit to stay on our side, but if they don’t, then OUCH to our already wounded economy.
anyway, i haven’t gone to and gotten through medical school yet… if things heat up after or during med school, i might be able to find a lot more opportunities open to me :smiley:

y wud Jesus kill innocent north koreans?

i no there’s a few of u from the usa here, but the rest of us get nervous every time the usa tests a nuclear weapon, and we’re always saying: Why don’t we invade the usa? If we all did it at once, they wdn’t stand a chance!

What a united Korea would save

Well, both North and South have a million troops each on their DMZ, along with 80,000 USA troops. If they all got new jobs not being a tax burden, that would help the economies some.

I have read a couple million people starved in recent history, and that numerous prison factories can be seen around the North with google earth. So there should be some humanitarian gain to balance the loss of life in an invasion.

The flaw I see so far is that the cold war isn’t all that over. Although Russia’s government is closer in style to South Korea now, China stills shares some reverence for the "Communist supreme leader " form of government.

Basically, if China wanted to help the South take over the North, they could already do so, needing little help. North Korea is very dependent on China. So it is reasonable to assume China wants North Korea to stay communist, because it has been unwilling to use it’s leverage in the past.

In that case my idea sucks. It requires China and South Korea to be on the same page about what a post war government would look like. To bad really, a united Korea would be in the best interest of the Koreans.

We are not the World Police.

If called, we will gladly go in and make the place safe for freedom and democracy. However, we’ve not gotten to that point. The Norks are thumbing their noses at us from across the school yard and you’re saying we should go over and kick their teeth in.

And especially with NK’s proximity to China, invading first prior to the commission of an overt act of aggression by the Norks, would be very bad juju. For instance, It’d be tough to get China on the right side in that situation, whereas waiting for the ChiComs or (god forbid) the Norks to move first could polarize in the opposite direction. Possibly.

NK does not have the military might we do, but they would not surrender as soon as we swooped in over the border, either. War, despite how easy it may look on paper, would still take time and money, two things the population is increasingly reluctant to give to wars overseas.

Listen, I think you should stop talking about bombing the usa. Sure the USA has prison factories in both the North and the South [www.unicor.gov - UNICOR - Federal Prison Industries. It is the mission of Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI) to employ and provide job skills training to the greatest practicable number of inmates confined …] The use holds far more of its own citizens in prisons.

Still, I’m a little concerned to hear you write: “So there should be some humanitarian gain to balance the loss of life in an invasion” because I KNOW people who live in the USA!

Let’s just challenge the North Koreans at UNICON.

Great that you mention this.

Let’s not wait for the government to take action, for we, as a community, can take the initiative. Unicyclists, mount up!

I nominate Adam Kover as our general, as he clearly has experience in mounted warfare.

All we need now is to each purchase a Torker 09, and we’ll be set for battle. With the new Torker 09 at hand, we will be unstoppable, and the tyranny will be destroyed once and for all.

Great idea! We should make tee shirts for this! UNICON, here we come! NK, prepare to be defeated!

Yeah, it’s not like you’ve EVER done that before, right?