why doesnt my div-x work!?!?!?:(

ok so i d-loaded the div-x player to watch the ripleys believe it or not thing but it still doesnt work and it kills my internet connection everytime i try to watch it(thats what it did before i got it too)

what do i need to do?!?!

Unplug your ethernet cable and turn off DivX. Place a virgin albino goat on your altar to Baal. Light the goat fire and rub its ashes on the end of the cable. Depending on the size and quality of the beast you should please Baal enough to fix your DivX.

I hope this was helpful.

whats ethernet?

At least he’s got the goat and altar part dialed… :slight_smile:

I have trouble playing a large portion of the videos offered for consumption here also. My poor Mac only gets Windows Media Player 9, and many forms of .wmv and .avi files will not play. I’ve downloaded the Div-X player but had limited success with that as well, so I usually don’t bother with many videos.