Why do people always talk about Segways when the see a Unicyclist?

People are always talking to me about Segways when they see my on my uni or with my uni just wanted to see why everyone thinks this is.

segways ?

Yes, segways.

I’ve never heard anyone say anything about a segway when unicycling.

Possible reasons:
They go about the same speed
They both involve balance forwards and backwards
Bomberdier’s drawing of that unicycle thingy…
They are both cool.

Someone today (on the canal ride) started talking about Segways. I don’t know why. He didn’t know that it balanced itself and it’s impossible to fall off (unless you are ___________ – help me out, didn’t some politician fall off a Segway?).

Next time it happens, I will ask.

i never heard anything about segways when i was unicycling

I FOUND IT! I’ve had this on my wall for months!

I went to Atlanta for the national FIRST Robotics competition, which was founded by Dean Kamen (the inventor of the segway). Because of the connection, a bunch of the important people and competition coordinators were riding around the Georgia dome on segways. It was pretty fun to watch.

Our team also ran into this guy whilst walking down the streets of Atlanta, who was also riding a segway. Recognize him?

who is he?

Wow, George Lucas really let himself go.

The Man! The Legend! The Wizard of Woz! Steve Wozniak! I believe he is also on the US Segway Polo team (they ahd the 1st World Cup this past year, I forget who won).

Another Segway connection: There’s a guy, who’s name I forget, who built his own Segway from scratch, including writing the software. When he was done, he realized the 2nd wheel was redundant, and built the e-unicycle :smiley: