Why did you start unicycling?

Me…I went to a music festival a few years back and there was a guy there with unicycles for anyone to try…I tried, I sucked.

More recently, I was at a camp where some kids had some unicycles. Again they were there for anyone to try…Well, I sucked again, yet I felt more confident and determined than last time. I decided there and then that this was a difficult thing to do, but I was going to learn.

I bought a no-name unicycle about 48 hours ago and my record so far is 45 pedals. I could,I think, have gone further if my driveway was longer, but I haven’t managed to repeat that ‘feat’ yet.

I’m enjoying getting better, and I aim to be hopping on and off stuff as soon as I can.(Whilst on the unicycle of course):smiley:

my dad told me he would give me five dollars if i could ride to the top of the street. well i did it (that was 6 years ago and he never gave me the money). then i stoped riding for some unknown reason. and i started again a few weeks ago because i had no school and i was boared.

I made a joke about getting one a few years ago, that summer i got one for my birthday from my dad:)

I got one for my b-day from my brother. I thought he was nuts at the time; but hey, I love it now!

I only have 1 leg so I can only ride a bike with one wheel. << >>

I got harassed into it by three other unicyclists, and kept doing it as a balance thing for skiing

Nate succumbs to peer pressure easily.

aahhhh the good old days.
seems like you got a pretty good handle on things.
so i won’t give you any tips, accept welcome to the club!


my responce can be found in this thread.

But yah it got cold and i needed something to do while living up north.

I always respond to these threads,

This time a simple answer, I needed to exercise and was bored with riding a bike around a neighborhood.

i saw someone riding one in a show and i asked my dad if i could get one but i was just joking and he said why not. so i got one and i dont think i’ve touched my bike in a while.

my friend and my little brother started unicycling,so a while later i started…

pure impulse buy, knew no one who rode one, never actually seen one ridden. went down to the lbs, picked one up, and learned to ride. convinced 2 friends to ride so i got riding buddies! YAY!

My mate had one at university. Every time we got drunk at his, which was quite a lot as he was a bit of a party guy, we all tried to ride it.

So I asked for one for Christmas. Got it, spent much of my revision time for my finals doing long rides on a freestyle 24. Moved down to London, into a small flat, so no room for a commuter bike, decided that the only practical way to commute was a unicycle, and it would save me £2 a day on the bus, rode that on the 24" for a bit, but that £2 a day added up to a coker pretty quick, and then I bought some expensive night lights so I could still ride home from work (using up my £2 for the next few months). At some point I saw this was fun, so I got a muni, hit the really easy trails at a local park, got totally caned, but it was fun. Moved further away from work so that my commute would be longer. Started going full on muni riding, 20 mile rides most weekends, night rides most weeks, riding with bikes that kind of stuff. Got into unicycle hockey. Bought a new freestyle for hockey. Did some proper long distance. Entered mountain bike races, that was fun. Entered a mountain bike 24 hour solo race, that was fun but hurt like hell (broken ribs ouch). Changed job and got a bonus 8 mile each way daily commute. Moved up to Nottingham, went to university, rode lots of muni, did 100 miles in 10 hours on the coker, got a Schlumpf geared unicycle, moved to Christchurch New Zealand for 5 months, rode lots of miles on the Schlumpf, offroad and on. And that’s where I am now.

And it all started with alcohol (vodka in particular), what a fine drug, it’s brought many fine things into my life, unicycles, university degrees*, a lovely wife, an appreciation of fine cheeses, an ability to write very long paragraphs, that kind of thing.


*It’d be hard to live in Cambridge for 3 years without drinking a whole lot I tell you

Well i got really bored riding my bike continuously on one wheel that i just went and bought a cheapy unicycle, which i then moved on to the Torker LX and soon enough DX. I also was the inspiration for my friends getting theres. Including the chick with the 51" monster unicycle who i taught how to unicycle. BTW the 51" monster was a project unicycle. :smiley: :smiley:

Uniracers for SNES made me want one. I tried to build one on my own, failed miserably. Then my parents got me one for my birthday. They never thought I’d learn it.

Perhaps this question is out of context but it’s hard to find a person that has a coker and a Shlumpf geared uni. First question is is it a 24"" or a 29"". Second question is, does it really replace your coker? Are you as fast, confortable on it. Third question is, would you ride the Shlumpf on a long distance ride instead of your coker?. Basically what I am trying to get to is, is it worth spending the money to get a geared uni.