Why would anybody want that
I give you some information and then this is how you use it? Sorry, last free bit of advice. I am naive enough to give it to vandals only once. You use these tools to help clarify posts in the fora, not to play tricks on your fellow members. Let me know when you need advice taking a crank off and I’ll show you something really funny.
Because he’s selling it.
Ohhh, I thought he was buying it.
didnt see the name of the seller eh?
Now how was I supposed to know you were forget_your_life. Who is onetireducky?
Ok, how do you remove cranks?
ohh, and every link ive put in has ben manual exept the first one that i did that harper told me how, how do you enter it, manually or the button?
this is going to be good
I’m getting in the mood for back-to-back 75 mile loops.
i think ive said enough tonite,im going Offline