Whos going to Moab?

I’m just wondoring whos going to Moab this year. Me and my brother are coming from Maine.

i might…i don’t think i’ll be able to though

im going, i already have the plane tickets! Cant wait!!:smiley:

Be aware there is another thread already running with the same topic and title, which has had traffic as recently as yesterday.

Admitedly, it’s posted in the wrong forum, has more errors in its title than this one does, and has veered far off topic. But I was still able to find it in about 5 second via the Search button.

Edit: Oh yeah, to the original question, I’m about 75% certain I’ll be there. Still in negotiations w/ rest of family. I’ve gone the last three years and had a blast. Maybe I’ll go price the airfare now…

Oh, sorry, I didn’t see that. Oh well.

me and cody

I’ll be there…

ill go if i can find a ride from salt lake ot the camp ground and back.
Ill pay half the gas and rental car for that day. Ill work around ur schedule.
pm me if u might be able to get me a ride

ME!!! me!

I Am Going Woot Woot!

It’s the premier MUni event in the world; of course I’m there.

Where do I go to get dates and info?

Nevermind I found it

I’ll be there. I hope to see everyone else there as well!

Look for me. I’ll be riding (of course) a red/black Torker DX and wearing a silver helmet.


>>insert exitment here.

And this moab you speak of, can it run linux?

I may be able to make it, if someone would be gracious enough to donate a qu-ax hub that is. :roll_eyes:

I found the web site on moab but where can I get details on where to fly into where to stay how far it is to ride and how to get there

Go over to Foss’s place and camp on his doorstep.

There’s no one way to get to Moab. Geoff Binning, who also lived in Roseville, drove it solo a few years ago; that’s probably 15 hours or something. You can fly to Salt Lake City and drive down, about a four-hour drive. Or you can fly to Grand Junction Colorado and drive, maybe 90 minutes, but a more expensive flight that transfers through Salt Lake or Denver.

Often Foss or someone else will arrange to rent a large vehicle or two and carpool down.

Uh, That’s the CA MUni Weekend… :smiley:

Pretty good description. Yes, for those of us who can afford to fly/rent but can’t afford the time to drive all that way have done so the last few years. Last year I went with Jacquie and we added a day to visit relatives so didn’t do the big group thing. But this year, if I can go, I’ll definitely be interested in shared rental vehicle(s) down from SLC.

I’m not a camper though, so if we split between campers and shared, roofed dwellings it could be a problem due to the location of the camping. That just means we might have to rent two smaller vehicles instead of one big one. In 2003 we had two minivans and it worked very nicely. In '04 we had a 10-passenger van which was fun, but logistically more complicated. Using two vehicles also makes the scheduling much easier, allowing for an early and late groups in both directions to-from SLC.

In the past, we have done the fly-drive thing with a Friday arrival in SLC, as early as possible, and Monday departure for home (from SLC) no earlier than 2:00pm if possible. Otherwise we have to get up way too early after 2.5-3 days of hard riding. Assuming I can go, I wouldn’t mind flying down on Thursday, or leaving much later on Monday, to add a possible day or half-day of non-unicycle touring of Arches or Canyonlands.

Who would like to get in on a fly-drive (-shared accommodations) like this? If interested, please indicated which travel days can work for you.