whos doing the longest drive to Cal Muni

DudleyDoRide and I are pulling a 10 hour straight drive Thursday. who’s got more?

You Americans are wusses :stuck_out_tongue: 3 day drive for me to the nearest city. Go Perth, most isolated city in the world!

I’m pretty sure Robbie is not planning to come to MUni Weekend. Whose a wuss now?

Don’t know if anyone is driving down from the Seattle area, but I think John Childs might be…

Me, Harper, and Dan Heaton are driving down from Seattle. We’ll be leaving Thursday morning (early). I hope we make it to Truckee and Northstar before everyone is asleep. :slight_smile:

I think we’ll make good time. Harper and Dan drive like they’re possessed.

how early John? we are looking at 7am. i wonder if we’ll cross paths

We’re still trying to figure that out. Current plan is to leave around 5:00 AM. That would put us in Salem at about 9:00 AM. We’ll probably be an hour or two behind you the whole way to Truckee. I might have to aim for an even earlier start time to avoid rolling into Truckee/Northstar at midnight. We’ll see. I’m not a morning person.

Pretty simple solution here. Just sleep in whatever vehicle will be driving, and you’ll already be there in the morning when things get rolling. If it’s your car, drive to Harper’s or Dan’s…whichever is furthest north…the night before, then curl up in the back seat with a bottle of Thunderbird. By the time you wake up, it will be breakfast time in Salem.

Meh… firstly I’m 14 and I can’t drive. So maybe I should steal a car and drive to a muni weekend even though I’m well under the legal age for driving. Would I be less of a wuss if I did that for you John :smiley:

It would be a rough drive accross the pond. You could fly, and get here in no time (literally, with the time difference.) Once I flew from Sydney to SF and landed before I left.

BTW, In Perth, you have the best pizza in the world. Even the pope agrees!

Yes, when we came back from Japan after Unicon, we also arrived before we left. But our bodies knew.

Yes Robbie, if you steal a car it will make you less of a wuss. The question is whether that’s the kind of non-wuss you would like to be in life. You called us wusses for living too close together. But the question was who is driving furthest to MUni Weekend, and apparently you’re not. This year at least. I have to agree that driving from AUS would not be recommended. You could take a sailboat most of the way though…

Instead of stealing a car,steal a plane. :roll_eyes: