Whoo, I'm a babe magnet

Received this today in my normal email!:wink:

Terveisiä teille.
Olen iloinen voidessani kirjoittaa sinulle i näki profiilisi tänään unicyclist.com ja pidän siitä, mutta olen Pamela nimen, toivon olet hyvin, minä haluan sinun vain lähettää minulle sähköpostia minun sähköpostiosoite (pamela4ulove@yahoo.com) joten tiedän jos saan postia, niin voin kertoa minulle ja kuva minusta, uskon etäisyys ja väri ei este meille, toivon lukea sinulta odotan sinun posti, kiitos ja parhaat osalta,


Greetings to you.
I am happy to write to you as i saw your profile today at unicyclist.com and like it, however am Pamela by name, i hope you are fine, i will like you to just send me a mail on my email address ( pamela4ulove@yahoo.com ) so i will know if you get my mail so i can tell you about me and a picture of me, i believe distance and colour will not be a barrier for us, i hope to read from you as i wait for your mail, thanks and best regard,
Pamela .

        ( [email]pamela4ulove@yahoo.com[/email] )

How brave of you to put her email on here for all of us to see, what if someone poses as you and steals her from you!?

Go for it, dude! It says right there: Pamela 4 U! Not 4 him! Go for it!

Is this your first message of this kind? Awwww bless!:stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with Ivan on this one. :smiley:

Pamela’s friends/sisters/clones/Nigerian criminals have sent me a few of those (that have made it past my spam filtering) also. I feel almost as good as when I win the UK National Lottery!

although this is clearly spam,
with all respect of course

Pamela and her cohorts have contacted me on numerous occasions too and Svetlana, purveyor of Viagra, is a regular contributor to my inbox :wink:

Kind Sir:

My name is Abemolela Kwangatusi. I am the attorney representing certain persons of alien natures who recently applied for domiciles in Nigeria. They were informed that in orders to settles in our countrys they must settles all claims against them worldswide.

They have herewith furnished us with comprehensive lists of all persons who were abducted and anally probed during the many years of their explorations. Your name appears on the list among other peoples in who memory wiping was successful. Therefore you are legitimate to recieve a double settlement for your pains and sufferings and also the undignifications of the memorial wipings. The sum of US $ 2.000.000,00 will be deposits in your account upon our receivings certain trivial informations about you. Pleases contacts us instantaneous at:

PO Box NCC-1701
Lagos Nigeria

We looks forwards to recompensings for your inconveniences.

  • A. Bell

i love how creative spammers are.

I was expecting you were walking a small cute dog.


Got a pic.

Pam, meet the lads, lads, Pam.


What language is that? Dutch?

I would say this definitely sounds 100% legit. I’m jealous. :smiley:

That would be Finnish. She doesn’t strike me as particularly Finnish-looking, but who’s counting? Don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth, etc.

Hey mate…go for it. She sent a picture so she must be real! :roll_eyes:

i entered that email address onto google and found this: http://mx.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100121140007AAL0Du4

its in spanish mostly but you get the point

It must be the way you wield your golf club.


Although the Pamela in the photo provided by GILD is not the Holy Grail of Pamelas (Pamela Sue Anderson) you are certainly still a babe magnet. I never thought of you as one so insecure as to solicit the reinforcement of the unicycling community by publicizing your conquests. Despite this, let me join the chorus that is expressing their admiration for your courting acumen.

A better score, of course, would be our own Miss Ayelery.

Distance - no problem - I’ve seen Mike’s Coker.
Colour - guess she doesn’t know you’re a gentleman of colour :smiley:

By the way, that pic accompanied this email: