Whoo almost learnt Full twist today :D

Today i tried my first full twisting backsumersault and it worked, i recorded the second attempt :smiley:



that was nuts…i wish i could do that.

trev you amaze me. seriously. youre a true acrobat.

Why Thank you :smiley:

i couldnt see it because i had to download the plugin or something
u should make it for windows media player
but im sure it was pretty sweet

I just uploaded it straight from camera as for some reason i couldnt edit it to upload into wmv…


how do you do that stuff?
dont you teach circus stunts to little kids or something so you can use thoes facilitys?
i wish i could do that

Good place to start is like gymnastics, or any martial art that includses acro in it like WuShu. No i just go and train there, the floor is so crappy for unicycling that i dont bother in that room!


whoa, you’re like a NINJA man.

I think Wushu is a kind of a Ninja Martial art so i guess that statement is correct…
