Who would you ride with tomorrow?

Who would you choose to ride with tomorrow if you could pick from anybody whose name is currently (i.e., RIGHT NOW!) on the first page of JC or RSU either as a thread starter or last post?

It has to be someone you’ve never ridden with before!

Hmm I dunno…checks JC and RSU


well i guess by default id have to say you cuase hopefully i do sometime this summer


hmm…Fuego! maybe. or forrest…or unitik…I donno, someone.

Whats JC and RSU? But just about anyone, because im a beginner.


Either Potter or Darren Bedford. Mainly because Darren’s the man.

(and he IS in RSU!)

JC == Just Conversation
RSU == Rec.Sport.Unicycling

the two main forums on this one…


jsm, GILD, JJuggle, Evan Byrne, DK, James Potter, andrew_carter, Catboy are unicyclists and people I’m really curious about.

i would love to ride with aney of you

I would like to ride Cokers with Munipsycho and Bugman.

I would like to ride with jjuggle so that I could find out what happened with his La-Z-boy.

I was just with him, Gilby and Uniprincess today, so I will pick JJuggle. He and I are so different we would have to get along.

Any and all, there’s a dirth of unicyclists in the area (me and one kid, and he’s not on the forums last I checked (Lakes Region, NH Area))

I’d have to say either Yoopers (and kids) or Cody (Caw).

I’m going on a Coker or a muni ride tomorrow. I’m not picky about who to pick to ride with. Anyone who wants to go is good for me. If they’re 21 or over we can have a beer afterwards.

That would be a great choice, too.I don’t think you could find a nicer guy.


(The instructions were to pick ONE person. It was a tough choice because there are many nice / interesting / funny / fun / strange people that I’d like to meet. And my decisions would not have anything to do with riding skill or style.)

good answer… that gets my vote


Boring. Boring. Boring.

Nice, but boring.

Try harder. Read the instructions. We don’t need fiftyseven more replies like the above.

(Yes, that’s right. Since I’ve been forced to resign from the Be Nice police, I’ve joined the Follow The Instructions police. I’ve got my eye on you.)

I would ride with thanh-uni