Who still uses Splined hubs?

I am one of the few (I think so) people who uses splined. I am wondering if I am a rare breed or are there others out there that use splined. I might upgrade soon.


I think you must mean non-ISIS splined hubs, because almost everyone who bought a uni over $200 in the last 3 years has a splined hub. That is unless I got the year wrong for when the Nimbus cycles went to ISIS.

Still though I have a KH/Onza setup on my MUni that will last forever. I am planning on moving to a 26" wheel which will most likely be ISIS, but I don’t consider it an upgrade at all. It is really more of a modernization. It is nice that there is a splined standard in ISIS, and that there won’t really be “orphaned” systems like the KH/Onza anymore.

The real upgrade for me will be moving to a 32 hole wheel, instead of 36. The rim options alone will be mind boggling.

Damn! My Coker and my (used) Schlumpf both have cotterless axles. I’ve been robbed! :sunglasses:

haha! 36ers don’t count!
:stuck_out_tongue: or geared hubs

I have a KH/Onza hubset on my muni and can’t see that changing anytime soon. I love the chunky look and feel of it compared to an ISIS hub.

Aaaaaah remember, when all roun’ 'ere were nobbut fields, if you wanted one of these lahdeedah “splined 'ubs” you ‘ad to import a Profile hub yersel’ from the colonials at great expense.

Unicyclists 'ese days, they don’t know they’re born…



Don’t you like how I cleverly used the word “almost” to keep myself from making too much of a commitment?

And really, Schlumpf hubs don’t count. If you added up all of the unicycle hubs ever made, and figured the percentage that are Schlumpf I suspect you would prove, with rounding to the nearest whole number, that in fact they really don’t count. Still, I’d like to have one.

If you did they would suddenly count, because of all the counting you’d have to do to save up for it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Are we still waiting for the OP to explain his question? What’s he planning to upgrade to, anyway?

I ride a 10-spline Torker hub on my Muni… I wanted to change it for and ISIS wheel with a Large Marge rim but if I want to go to UNICON XVI, I cant buy anything until then or I wont be able to go:p

I’m still riding on 2 2006 KH hubs/cranks :slight_smile: I prolly won’t upgrade until one of them dies :wink:

I don’t use anything that isn’t splined… I have a Torker LX and a Torker giraffe, but don’t really ride them at all.

Good thing you don’t do anything too insane. To answer, I want to upgrade to a ISIS hub.
