Who said that an Impact frame won't fit on a KH hub?

As the Websites say: Frame does not fit Nimbus and KH wheels!
but this video proves that they are wrong

We also tested it on a nimbus hub and it wouldn’t fit, but the KH goes perfect with an Impact frame :smiley:

Ps. It is NOT my frame it’s my friend’s…

Maybe they are talking about the new KH hub?

Maybe. but then they should say that more clearly. they would probably sell more, cause I know that very many people is riding a KH hub. and now I also want an Impact frame… :smiley:

I would also like an Impact frame, but i guess it really doesnt work with the nimbus hub, so I dont know what to do…

Buy a new hub? :):stuck_out_tongue:

That was what I wanted to avoid doing. I dont think I need a new hub til the one im using gives out… Which could be never, soo…

i just had to file my aDDict frame down so it’d fit the Nimbus hub.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a fellow unicyclist in reality much less have a friend a who has his own uni frames… :(((

I want one! A friend that unicycles, that is.

Maybe for a start, just buy an unicycle frame for one of your friends… :wink:

I have one friend and I gave him my 20" to learn on and he got to the point where he rode for about 20 ft and has apparently given up. :frowning: One day…

I’m trying to convince my girlfriend to learn but she has so little interest I almost find it hard to believe. Who wouldn’t want to learn how to unicycle? (Answer: my girlfriend.)

I have taught people that were really really interested and really wanted to uni but refused to buy thier own uni, forcing me to take my learner uni back so other people could try… This is after 3 or 4 months of them using mine… So now they dont even uni beacause they still refuse to buy one… Whats with that?

I’ve had the same thing happen. I gave one of my unis away though.

Just wondering, is what year hub did u have because I REALLY want to get an impact frame but I have an 08 KH hub???