Who Plays (an) Instrument/s?

Re: Re: Who Plays (an) Instrument/s?

I played guitar for a couple of years. Then for no reason I just suddenly stopped it two years ago. I can still play something, but me fingers have really slowed down. My little sister started to play my guitar about a month ago.

Umm, did you record any of these bit different jams? I’d really like to hear them.

it is a unicycling magazine, go to www.unicycling.org

Re: Re: Re: Who Plays (an) Instrument/s?

i assume u knew the enswer to your question before u asked it
the best stuff always happen in the jam-room when the recorder is off

we did ‘sample’ the sound as my friend enjoys messing about with interesting sounds in his production work
next time we get together i’ll make sure we record a piece that i can send to u

I play percussion, string base (and more) and I sing in folk music band Mista. I also play guitar, piano and I have a synthesizer.

Klaas Bil

I’ve been a piper for nearly 20 years, but have never tried piping and riding at the same time … an UPD would be a noisy, messy affair that would take a long time to untangle.


I agree. and take a look at this documentary:


used to play the piano scraped past my grade 1 then gave up and now the only musical talent i have is a squeaky uni tyre in the rain

Drums, Harmonica and Piano. None of them well either.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Who Plays (an) Instrument/s?

looking forward to it.

DRUMMER!!! Been play for over a year, and I’m in a band.

Played blues harp (harmonica) just yesterday while riding on my 29’er!:smiley:

I play trumpet and drums dunno why though :thinking: !

i play the drums

and, as i’m sure u’ve noticed, i’ve been having fun with them on this forum

however, when i try n use them in my hotmail emails, it doesn’t work and the whole line of text (in the [img] tags) appears in the body of the mail


I used to play bass guitar.

I was asked to join my first rock band sometime around 1975 because I knew how to play “Smoke on the water”. I played many (perhaps hundreds?) gigs with that band and subsequent bands. After a while I was recruited into the university stage band where I learned to read bass charts and play a walking bass line.

Playing in the stage band was tough what with reading the chart, keeping time, watching the director and trying to “anchor” the band all at the same time. But what fun!

Sometime in the late 70’s Bob Hope came to town for a concert and hired the university band for his show. At that time he travelled with only his musical director and hired local musicians for the concerts. I didn’t think much of Bob Hope until that gig … he was an incredible entertainer and I got to watch the show from the best seat in the house next to the stage in the band pit. We played “Thanks for the memory” (his theme song) straight, country style, disco style, swing style, etc.

At one point I hooked up with a local, semi-famous musician who wrote the Carpenter’s song “All you get from love is a love song” and “Rag Doll” that was recorded by Art Garfunkle. He got the job of writing and recording the theme song for a local TV station and had me play my fretless bass on the recording. For a couple years after that I got to hear myself for a few seconds before and after the TV news and when the station signed off at night.

Probably the most fun I had playing was in “big bands” … the kind of bands with 16 or 17 pieces … saxaphones, trombones, trumpets and rhythm sections. I’ve played with some really good musicians and great writers and arrangers.

But I’ve had some bad gigs too …

Ive played in pit bands for many, many local musicals. Musicals start out fun but get to be a real drag after three or four weeks of rehearsals and four nights of performances.

About 5 years ago I was playing regularly with a “combo” band consisting of piano, bass, drums, saxaphone and trumpet. The music we played was the same old stuff that I’d played hundreds of times before. We were playing for something at the Masonic Temple and it just sucked. It was a Saturday night and there I was playing awful music while my wife and kids were home. I thought to myself “What the HELL am I doing here?” At the end of the night I told the band leader I was quitting and not to call me again for another gig.

I sold my equipment and haven’t played a note since.


thanx for sharing that
it doesn’t sound as if u have any regrets about your decision
who knows, maybe one day u’ll get yourself a teabox bass and just play for the fun of it?

I play the accordion

I have noticed, I saw the one in your signature and the rotating petal daisy one. Cool!

The problem with using those smilies in hotmail, is because hotmail does not use vBCode (phpBBCode?) like forums do. The [img] tags are mostly used in forums. I am pretty sure that Hotmail is able to use HTML code, which I am not too familiar with. HTML code does not show properly in forum posts, I think this is because it is most commonly used by spammers to advertise their crap. I think this is how you can use the smilies in HTML :

<img src=‘http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/kampf/21.gif’ width=“55” height=“41” alt=‘Write a message here that will appear when the mouse is over the image’>

This is just an idea I haven’t tested, so don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t work. To find the link, width and height you can right click the smilie you are looking at using, and click properties. Another way is to right click the page and click view source, which will show you a whole bunch of HTML stuff, and you can find the bit you want (using the search feature) and modify it until it works, by including the full link and removing bits you don’t need, and adding bits if you know what you are doing (like a link which will be activated if the person clicks the smilie). Someone who knows what they are talking about might be able to tell you a better way, or you can probably suss it out yourself.

I tried learning guitar in my mid-teens, but didn’t have the patience to sit in one place to practice for more than a few minutes at a time. Around the same time I got a cheap Hohner pocket pal and took right to it; I guess cause it was portable and I could practice anywhere, like while waiting in line, so I didn’t have to take time out specifically to play it. I still keep one in my pocket (except when I unicycle, cause it really hurts to fall on).

Last May, my parents got me a banjo for my birthday as a way of luring me away from unicycling, which they think is much too dangerous a hobby. I’ve enjoyed learning the basics of it, though like guitar I can’t sit down to play for long periods. I can only play for my own amusement. I love learning new things, but I’m not interested in it enough to really commit myself to understand “music”. I kinda like blues harmonica cause its something you don’t have to think about too much, you just kinda “feel” it, and that’s fun.

Oh yeah, the first time I found out about banjo.com was a few weeks after I got mine, I just randomly typed banjo.com to see if there was one, and to my bewilderment, up comes a site that looks EXACTLY like the only other online store I’ve ever frequented. After the initial shock, I figured the Drummonds must have hired a company to design their site, and banjo.com used the same company. The more I discovered about the truth of it, more confused I got. The whole thing was really bizarre for me.

SHoward, you’re amazing. :slight_smile:

I play the tin whistle, and have attempted to do it whilst riding. The problem is the breath control necessary in tin whistling is difficult to maintain while riding down the street.