I was sitting here playing a song on my guitar and I started to wonder who plays an instrument on these forums.
I myself play the guitar, bass, a little bit of drums, alot sax, and the piano: sometimes the accordian when I’m at my friends house. (YES!!) Well, I was just a curious miser.
I play the accordion, but just for my own amusement. I played alto and baritone sax during middle school and high school. Played alto sax in the marching band during college.
I don’t play any actual instruments, but I can play songs by “hand-whistling.” That’s where you cup your hands and blow into them, and a whistle comes out. the principle is similar to blowing over the top of a bottle.
I play the guitar. I have an Ibanez electric guitar, and a Peavy Express amp, with a Metal Zone distortion pedal. I suck at playing but it’s fun to have a jam sometimes. For the amount of time I’ve been playing I should be really good by now, but I’m not, a bit like my Unicycle riding.
I expect someone from Unicycle.com will reply to this announcing their Banjo playing abilities.
I play bass, guitar, drums, played both tenor and bari sax in high school, and suck at piano but know the basics of it. There’s an accordian in the house that i’ve picked up a few times, but wouldn’t say I can play it.
i played the bass in a couple of bands a couple of years ago
had to pack it in when the radio career took off
i dont play the bass anymore but now mess around with a djembe and a didgeridoo
i also recently got a tibetan singing bowl and had a very fun jam session with a bunch of mates of mine last night
a miked-up tibetan singing bowl thru a distortion pedal will probably give his holiness the dalai lama a heart attack but it sounded pretty kewl
we also ran the didge thru some kind of processor that allowed the keyboard player to use his keyboard to ‘tune’ the didge to the key they were jammin’ in
Does the djembe count under drums, or should I have specified it separately? I forgot about that when I was listing my instruments. In my opinion, one of the more fun instruments I’ve played!
i’ve just noticed that when i say ‘drums’ most people assume a sit-down kit and since i can’t handle either four part harmonies or four bodypart co-ordination, i can’t play a kit
(had fun sitting on a drummers chair laying down a bass-riff while playing the kick-drum and the hi-hat with my feet but i doubt if there’s a bassist alive who hasn’t)
i hate it when people refer to a djembe as a bongo and even more when they refer to a tabla as bongos
“i dont confuse your face with your a*** so learn the machine’s real name, and no, a monocycle is where u’re sitting inside the wheel”
(imaginary rant over)
You can find heaps of smilies (about 10,000) at Andrea’s und Steffen’s Homepage. Just follow the menu, click the smiley you want, and copy the URL from the bar above. It even adds the
I play a bit of piano and saxophone. I’ve been a singer in a band since I was about 17yrs old and I still am. Although I played professionally for most of the 1980’s these days it’s more of a hobby, although we still play nightclubs for “fun and profit”.
I’ve always lacked the discipline to devote what it takes to be a really good player. Onstage I play within my limits and people think I’m better than I really am.
I’m sick about saxophones like I am about unicycles. I have seven saxophones ranging from soprano to bari. My prized possesion is a 1957 Selmer Mark VI tenor. It looks like crap but it’s a real player.
I like the other Andrew who posted here played trumpet in highschool, but not much since. I also played baritone and tuba for a little, the tuba was fun, i’d buy one but they’re pretty expensive.
I’d like to play violin, but i’d have to practice, and i’m still learning to ride unicycle and don’t know if I want to do so much at once. I’d also like to take dance lessons some day for the fun of it, but we’ll see.
Does anyone play their instruments while riding unicycle?
John Drummond and I had grand illusions of playing our banjo and guitar respectively together in the parade at NAUCC 2003 last summer. During parade staging, we got about a car’s length before we decided that it just wasn’t going to happen. Amy awarded us an “A” for attempted effort.