Who is this unicyclist?

Does anyone know who he is and or what his history is?



we’ll just call him Mr. Studly Old Man
I just hope that I am half that studly when im old.

Perhaps a mentor to Teresa and Sem? Good find, hope we can find out more.



The guy does not seem to be that old. The picture is probably very old but the guy does not seem to be older than 35.


35 is still over double sutton629’s curent age.

That’s old.


You CAN pick up chicks on unicycles!

Doesn’t ring a bell for me. Not enough information in the picture to tell even if it’s US, Europe or elsewhere. Time period looks like 30s-50s but that’s all I can figure out.


I thought I would contribute by asserting that I also do not know him. The woman, however, is my late aunt, Ivona.

good point but i mean if the picture is that old then hes defiantly and old dude now.

I like the idea of old dudes being defiant.

Hell yeah!

Especially since you are an old dude by the standards of this thread.

You betcha.

And no, it’s not me in the photo.

Oh, Ashley, let me hold your boomstick.

“I swear, the next one of you primates even touches me…”

Apologies for the threadjack. I blame the bloke in the swimsuit.

I do have that picture on my HDD for long. No idea who they are.
But that picture, those light-poles, maybe the street-tiles, but certainly the fog makes me remind a couple of pictures I saw of the debblars, a big group on very tall unicycles (especially for 1930 standards). So if this would be the $100k question, that will be my blind guess.

Anyway, I think it’s a very nice pose!


has a story about a unicycle preforming couple who “May” be our riders.

Thanks Sarah

Wow! They did some really cool things! Thanks for that info.
