Who is this guy???


big brotha knows everything about you anyway

that said -

my facebook i only have for posting my uni pics and vids :stuck_out_tongue:

Facebook changes their information sharing policies without notice to users, changing your privacy settings at the same time. They don’t care much about your privacy. Now they’re sharing your list of friends and your “Likes” BY DEFAULT. One could find out what other sites you frequent and fill in the gaps with your postings from there.

Your “likes” may also let people know where you hang out and who you hang out with, if your pictures don’t do that already. A very observational person can glean a lot more information from a stripped-down profile than you’d care to think.

You might think that’s innocuous, but that might be all someone needs to know where you live. We were able to get someone’s home address, phone number, their parents work address and phone number, all from a few posts on Unicyclist.com and a couple pictures.

I had a friend request from Federico Moretto too! I feel honoured to be part of this exclusive club.

hahahahaha facebook is da bom… if someone wants to track me down cut my fingers off and steal my credit card… good luck to them they wont get much, not with the wages i’m on hahaha

I have not yet joined the club but see that I have two mutual friends. I wonder if they know how he is.

As for people finding me through facebook I am a very illusive person. So much so that even I don’t know where I am sleeping tonight. *:stuck_out_tongue:

*back up north and just found out I can’t stay where I spent the summer last time. ah well not the first time I have lived camping random spots trying not to get caught.

If you ever find yourself in Cali, Sask, you’ve always got a place to stay! All I ask is that you pull the weeds from the garden…

…will someone please pull the weeds? I can’t keep up with Mother Nature AND do my homework! Gaah!

I see what you mean maestro, from your post i could google earth Cali, Sask and then find the place with weeds in the garden, thereby finding your house. Then if i put enough though in to it (and money), be really annoying.

I haven’t been added by Mr whatshisnameitalianperson, but i have quite a fair few unicyclists on facebook, and if anything they’re only going to see my friends heckling me, and most of what i do which is to be honest pretty boring so isn’t worth bothering to trace.

EDIT (again)-why instead of saying save when I edited this, did it say “vote now”?

California and Saskatchewan are quite far away from each other.

Good luck with that search.

i know, sarcasm is hard to convey in writing although my attempt was pretty feeble.
Im not bored enough to start looking for random places on google earth either.

At least he wants me to think.