I’ve read the set.
But methinks there is already more than one “on-screen” verson, including the original series, prior to the release of the recent movie.
I’ve read the set.
But methinks there is already more than one “on-screen” verson, including the original series, prior to the release of the recent movie.
so pretty much i read it and dug it with a really big shovel
If she weighs the same as a duck, she’s made of wood.
And therefore?
I saw the TV series from England, and remember it as being pretty funny. I think they dropped the ball with the movie. Great special effects, but something missing.
I read hitchhiker’s guide, and have yet to read the others
yea, read em all, and loved them. They’re still hilarious after reading multiple times, and every once in a while after reading it I’ll suddenly crack up from some comment that I reference like “My dera freind, you are the bees knees, the wasps nipples. I daresay you are the whole set of erogenous zones of every flying insect in the entire western hemisphere!” (not accurately quoted, but hey.)
I sadly never saw the movie. I’ll have to get it on dvd.
EDIT: the correct quote is “This man is the bee’s knees, Arthur, he is the wasp’s nipples. He is, I would go so far as to say, the entire set of erogenous zones of every major flying insect of the Western world.”
I’ve read all the books plus the Dirk Gently set & I love them all. Have read them lots and lots. They get funnier everytime.
Haven’t seen the film yet as we don’t really go out in the evening but will get on DVD. And of course it will not be as good as the books, films never are because (for one thing) they use someone else’s immagination.
if anyone hasn’t read it, you can read the whole thing online,
thats the first book, just change the number in the url to a 2 for the second, a 3 for the third etc.
holding a book makes it that much better, but if you can’t get a hold of one this works.
I’ve read all five parts of the trilogy. It’s the best series I’ve ever read. I’m planning on reading the Dirk Gently one during summer.
I would tend to agree with that, although I might have to re-read Alice in Wonderland and compare it to the Disney film version.
I try not to watch the movie version of any books I have really enjoyed. I like to retain my own mental picture of events in the book, with characters and places retaining the interpretation I put on them. Once I watch a film it is difficult to keep my own versions. So I have not watched any of the Lord of the Rings movies…and I hated seeing adverts for them.
Somewhere I have HHG on a number cassette tapes that I was once given. Apparently it was serialized on radio in the UK a long time ago.
^ I would say that the film version of The wizard of Oz is better than the book, but that - for me - is the exception that proves the rule.
Also, it was written for radio and then re-written for the books.
I’ve read all of his books that I could find, have seen the film, and the TV series. I’ve also listened to most of the recordings of the radio show and an audio book of the 5 part trilogy. Oh and I completed the text based game, which wasn’t easy. I’m not sure which I liked best out of the radio version or the books. They are both very good.
Did all that transform you?
If so, why use a pseudonym?
Even though the hitchhiker’s movie wasn’t as good as the book, I must say I liked the Point of view gun.