Who here does graffiti?

Who here does graffiti?
I think it looks pretty interesting. I wouldn’t mind getting started in it doing all legal stuff, just on cardboard for now then advancing to other stuff as long as its legal.
Stencils or anything, discuss graffiti, give graffiti links anything.

i love graffiti i do it all the time. not much into stenicls i like blockbusters and bombs and sketching wildstyles and stuff

Ask In to the blue he has a great graffiti link. Also it is alright I have done some with my tag I made up in school it is simple yet affective. I really don’t do it often only a couple times, but I quit after being almost caught so I out the end to that…

mm got to love banksy, particularly his ‘remixing art from the flea-market’

im a destructive unicycle vandal

Im not really artistic enough to draw my own stuff but stencils are cool. Done a few of those…Banksy’s stuff is awesome.

What does it mean “legal” like…asking permission from the owner of the building you tag?

ok stop now! start targeting the skate-boards! :smiley:

Wait a minute. How many of you guys are tagging stuff that doesn’t belong to you, like the sides of buildings, billboards, mailboxes, etc? I hate graffiti.

By graffiti I mean the stuff described above, not a style of artwork done with permission. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with the uglification of neighborhoods.

I kinda do it, all stuff in a notebook (blackbook) though.

I like to make stencils and do it legally on paper.

here’s some links that are helpful:
this has several fonts that you can use for lettering, one I found was Major Snafu

Lots of images but you have to modify some to make them work

Another good site

If you use Microsoft word using clip art then changing the color to black (by ungrouping it) opens a lot of options. I don’t know anything about clipart on macs.



im not saying anything :roll_eyes:

yeh i do it stencils, freehand acrylic paint stuff nd other shizz annnd usin parkor helps a good bit

Hey no parkour here I can toss my ass over a fence pritty fast due to all the dogs I am chased by =p to get away though, but I prefer freehand it is much better to me.

Isn’t grafitti illegal??

How about Neckface? he got a company to print a billboard of his grafitti.

He has arrived!

i like graffitti that isnt illegal (and sometimes even the illegal stuff is awesome). it is a very cool artform. i wish i had the talent necessary to do it.

people keep tagging our school…its really cool stuff too

I used to be into graffiti when I was younger and used to do it all the time. Lately I have been noticing a huge surge in graffiti in the Ottawa area and after talking to some writers in the area, it seems like the police trying to stop graffiti are getting just as bad.

Recently a particularly artistic graffiti artist who usualy tends to stick to legal spots (there are a couple spots in Ottawa where it is legal to do graffiti), but one day the police knocked on his door and when he opened it he was punched in the face and his jaw was broken.

This kind of thing actualy makes me more interested in doing graffiti, I’m not interested in getting beat up but the fact that graffiti artists are being unfairly treated makes me want to sympathize with them more.

I’m a huge fan of the work they have done on www.Graffitiresearchlab.com and that inspired me to play around a bit with throwies and some other LED experiments such as stickers and the like, but it was all too temporary and just didn’t feel artistic enough to be respectable, it felt almost like a cross between hitech vandalism and artistic litering.

I also made a few multilayer stencils but never ended up using them, mostly because I have a hard time finding an appropriate place to use them.

If I were to get back into graffiti, which I would love to, I need to find proper places of doing it. I don’t want to hurt innocent people, I don’t want to waste tax money, and if I’m going to work hard on something I want it to be something that people will enjoy, or at least be curious about, and something that people can easily see. So it leaves very very few options.

Another problem I have with graffiti that I come up with is originality. I’m poor at drawing, so that means I have to write, or make stencils or be very original with my drawings. I’m not very imaginative or original. When I think of things to paint, usualy its based off of something I have already seen so I don’t want somebody to think I stole their idea, so that takes care of most of the rest. Plus I would need to make a name for myself and I find that very hard to think of by being original and not sounding lame.

One of the things I love about graffiti is that when it is done alot in areas of downtown Ottawa, it makes the areas seem much more warm, friendly, and inviting. Ottawa has alot of older more historical looking buildings, which is nice, but when its combined with alot of stuff that was considered modern in the sixties, stuff that is considered modern now, and buildings just made to be cheap, but combination comes off as dark, cold, and generaly impersonal. When you add alot of graffiti to that environment, all the colours and self expression really makes me happier to be around it, and it makes the city feel more alive and free.

Graffiti isn’t illegal, it’s art. I’m pretty careful picking out where I drop my writes, just because I know that some people view the artform negatively.

Myself and 2 other writers hit up a park just today with some sweet bombs, but only finished outlines before we decided to leave.
I’ve been writing for about 3 years now. I’ve used the names Link, Null, FYK, Culr, and Soft(most common). I’m fond of Magnums, Sharpies, and White perma-chalk if I’m taggin it up with writes or quickies, but if I drop a bomb I’ll pick up tips or cardboard and layout some stencils with paint.

I probably spend a majority of my time in school filling my notebooks with doodles and ideas. The rest of the time is spent putting them on the school walls.

I’ve done about 30 bombs and countless writes throughout the bay area, unfortunately the good stuff usually gets buffed, but I don’t really mind, it’s part of the fun. At least I’ve beautified a few skateparks and bus stations.
I think that sometimes the only reason I haven’t been caught is the fact that I come off as a rich white nerd, can run fast, and know my rights.
Over time, I’ve filled about 10 notebooks with hundreds of pieces and sketches, and have met a bunch of writers from various krews, all of which we’re friendly artists who only did what they did for personal expression or glory. I don’t rep a krew or want to(FYK stands for FuckYourKrew). I can pick up one of my thick-ass coffee-table graf books and spend all day gazing into it, getting better with every glance. Gotta love picking uo the new Hard-2-burn or other graf mag from the book store every week or so.

I love graf.

Graffiti is just a type of art that gets a bad name because people “tag” places that they don’t own. It requires very little to accomplish something huge that stands out, so that’s why many people that want to tag something choose graffiti.

It is also illegal to paint something as complex such as the “Mona Lisa” on the side of some building too, without permission. I certainly would never want somebody to tag my house with “The Starry Night.”