Who else knits?

I just took up knitting on Friday. Girl I work with taught me. It’s really pretty easy, though I think it’ll be a while before I can do it with the speed and precision of my co-worker.

I figure I can get several Christmas presents knocked out in the form of simple, 15-stitch-wide scarves. I’m currently working with 13 gauge Takumi bamboo needles and divine acrylic thread.

Just finished up a 2 hour session, averaging about 7 stitches a minute.

Edit: God, I need to unicycle more.

I knit, although I’ve not made anything in a while.

If you’re making a scarf you need to alternate knit and purl or else the scarf will roll up the long way and you’ll end up with a long tube. If I recall correctly you do a row or several of knit then a row or several of purl. Another cool thing to do is to knit 5 stitches of knit then 5 of purl, etc the width of the scarf for 5 rows. Then on the 6th row reverse the stitches through the 10th row, etc. It makes nice little boxes. I have a Christmas scarf like that I made many years ago that I wear every season. I used red and green yarn.

Have fun. It can be very relaxing

In 2003, there was a thread about knitting in RSU.

Klaas Bil

i crochet—or how ever you spell it

Frank knit me a hat! Its really cold here I could use one. Could you knit words into it too? Something like “Unicycle” or just “uni”. Maybe “HOW <heart> SWAT” then under that “SWAT OWNS HOW”.

Haha nah I’m just kidding its more of a equilly loving relationship.

Knitting’s for punks!

Way back in the late 70s when I was posturing around as a punk, I learned to knit. Now I know that might not be the first activity associated with punks, but I wanted to make my own “string vest” type jumper of the kind that was probably being sold for hundreds of pounds in King’s Road shops.

So, to make sure I had the loose knit I wanted, I used cycle pumps instead of needles! It was great - black with a red, gold and green sleeve (big nod to reggae).

If I can find the orginal photo I’ll post it.

i am crocheting a “uni” cap.

I have knitted a bunch of hats, a scarf…
I haven’t knitted in a year or so.
But now, i’m about to knit a hoodie, for myself.
I’ll start after christmas.

I got into macrame for a little, my friend Andrew makes braclets and neclaces out of hemp, so I learned off him, then got a book about it. But I couldn’t find how to make anything except plant hangers, purses, stuff like that, nothing too intresting, so I kinda let that go.


I crochet, but haven’t in a while.

I think once I finish these scarves I’ll try and make a hat. How do you knit letters?

I asked my friend who taught me to knit about purling. She wasn’t sure how to do it (she had just learned recently herself, as had the person who taught her) but so far it doesn’t seem to be that big of a problem. When allowed to hang, it perhaps forms a shallow “u”, but nothing more. Maybe it’s not as important with divine yarn and large, loose stitches.

I think I’m finally getting to the point where it’s relaxing, not tedious. My biggest frustration is when I mess up somewhere and end up with an extra stitch. My first scarf starts with 20 and ends with 27 stitches. Whenever I notice a mess-up, I vent by screaming loudly, “KNITTING MAKES ME ANGRY!” I can then accept the error and continue in peace.

I dont know I just know it can be done. I think you have to change the yarn alot to do it. I think its kinda like sky writing. like you got to change for the front of the ‘U’ then do nothing but the bottom then work on the back end. Unless its the other way where you work on both tops and work down it till you hit the bottom.

My mom doesnt knit but she says she thinks it would take alot of counting to do lettering.