I do Seido Karate, which I’ve been doing since I was 8. Does anybody else do any kind of martial arts? I noticed on someones (U-Turn maybe?) signature is says “Weep in the Dojo, Laugh on the Battlefield” which lead me to believe possibly that person does some kind of martial arts.
So anyway do you do martial arts?
If yes what kind?
Re: Who Does Martial Arts?
used to
did judo as a kid and did about a year of Goju Ryu under Sensei Bakkies Laubscher while i was at varsity
switched to more ‘informal’ training after that
I became a black belt in taekwondo, but then lost intrest because I had no goal. I had been woring towards black belt for so long that once I reached it I didn’t know where to go next. Also, my teacher was crazy (slightly dyslexic, weird, told endless stories of how he hurt himself, etc.)
That, and I learned to Uni
I am in taekwondo. I am almost a black belt, I had the bad luck of braking my ankle about 5 weeks before the black belt test, so now I have to wait another six months .
No, I don’t do any martial arts, to my disadvantage, I’m sure. I’ve seriously thought of taking something up to improve my fall-handling abilities and overall strength and agility.
I got the quote from a TV special on the martial arts. The words seemed to describe my attitude towards software development unicycle skill development, and unicycle and wheel building. They kept me going through many a long practice of 1-foot riding or rooty off-road trails, or during the umpteenth mapping of a wheel’s spoke tension.
used to
did judo as a kid
I’d start kickboxing if I had the time.
I used to do TKD and Aikido, but now all I do is Trick…
I used to fence, do judo and did ju jitsu for a bit. Also did ome tai chi. But capoeira is what’s tickling my fancy at the moment.
TKD Black Tip (almost Black). Gave up, kind of, after breaking my ankle on my Uni. Sporadically turn up to training now and then. Don’t really have time for it now.
I think Martial arts are quite good for Uni skills- I seem to jump better and do stuff better after a good TKD session. Maybe it’s the stretches and flexibility.
I was in Tae Kwon Do for about 4 years. My sabunimn was Mr Love, Kiosanumn was Mr Lafau. It was mostly jung mu kwon but had some judo and hapikdo mixed in. I got to a senior blue belt and would almost be black if it werent for the fact that we had to write essays for part of our testing, and i forgot to take it both times i tested. Then i had to move and couldnt find a good and affordable dojang.
I used to do Goju Ryu and Shito Ryu Karate, I was a green belt in both.
Shotokan karate, Judo, Ju-jitsu, Arnis de mano(Filipino stick fighting), Bo stav(6 ft. staff/spear fighting), Balisong(fan knife) and a little bit of everything in college. If only there were mixed martial arts competition those times (80’s).
I did tae kwon do and hapkido for a year but stopped because my teacher was out of his damn mind. Currently I’m studying brazilian jujitsu, but had to stop a while back due to surgery on my right knee. I’m hoping to go back in 2 weeks. I need to. These love handles that are starting to develop… A message to all you kids: Try not to age.
Yeah, Ive trained myself with the Bo and nanchaku (although i dont know how well i did since i had no real teacher) and i want to get a practice balisong. To bad their illegal most places.
wado-ryu karate and aïkido
I gave up at about 50 when I could not convince a trainer
that my very low blood tension was giving me a feeling of
being tipsy after every fall … Too bad: I would gladly resume aikido.
i am black belt in Tang Soo Do which is a little know martial art.
i have been training for about 6 or 7 years
decided to resurect the oldest post thin that you cna veiw without havig to search or whatever
I did a year of Aikido and achieved 5th kyu. Then I got my muni. My UPDs have merged with my falling techniques to spawn a whole new art - offroad ukemi.
Now that I got my trials uni I’m going to have to learn street ukemi. Ouch.
I want to do taekwondo.
I love martian art.
martian art.bmp (52.3 KB)