Who are the best riders in each category based on skill?

Street ?
Muni ?
Flatland ?
BC ?
Trials ?
Freestyle ?
Freestrials ? (Freestyle and trials mixed? Ohh?)

Street: this one is highly contested i guess. I’m not sure. My personal favorites are Xavier Collos, Mike Clark, and Shaun Johnanneson
Muni: Kris Holm
Flatland: not sure 'bout this one, either. I’d say Dan Heaton…
BC: Jeff Groves, Evan Byrne, Spencer Hochberg, and Bryan (unimcpete).
Trials: Ryan Atkins
Freestyle: Not sure again.

It’s really a matter of opinion i guess… i’ma wait for someone else to reply and correct me on the official stats.

I calls 'em as i sees 'em.

Street -I dont know, i like X Collos personally
Muni - KH
Flatland-Dont know
BC-Dont know, perhaps spence
Trials-Ryan Atkins
Freestyle-Have no idea
Freestrials -Kein Idea

Just when I thought I had the genres down, they go and screw it up again…isn’t what you’re calling ‘freestrials’ the same as street? And isn’t flatland the same as freestyle?

And there is streetlanding http://youtube.com/watch?v=gRQnyYaU5Fo&mode=related&search=

P.S. cool song :sunglasses:

I think “freestrials” is a made-up word. I’ve heard of Free Trials, but I don’t know what that’s supposed to be.

Flatland is not the same as Freestyle, though exactly what the difference is is insure, as there is no formal definition of Flatland for unicycling. Freestyle is well-defined in the IUF Rulebook as a performance that is judged on many qualities, roughly half on skill or “Difficulty.” If I compare to what I know of BMX Flatland, it’s more about the tricks and not about most of the other preforming aspects. This doesn’t mean a good flatlander doesn’t connect with his audience, just that it’s not focused on that to 50% of the scoring.

Standard Skill is not an equivalent of Flatland either, as it’s limited to the skills in the Standard Skills List. Flatland should be open to anything.

I like:
Street - Xavier Collos, the clear winner at Unicon
Muni - Kris Holm, still the ambassador of MUni to the world
Flatland - I’ll give this one to Dan Heaton but it really needs more definition
BC - I haven’t seen enough, so I’ll stick with the caveman, Jeff Groves
Trials - Not sure, there are so many great ones!
Freestyle - If we’re based on “skill” it would have to be Ryan Woessner for the guys, but I’ll pick a different type of skill for the ladies: Sayaka Kan
Freestrials ? (Freestyle and trials mixed? Ohh?) - This is kind of what the Street Freestyle competition is, maybe, but that’s what we call Street. So no name.

[B]Street: Dan Heaton

Muni: Kris Holm

Flatland: Dan Heaton

BC: Jeff Groves

Trials: Zack Baldwin

Freestyle:[/B] Kaori Matsuzawa

And yet…people actually like him. Funny, that.

You need to be more subtle. John isnt going to be drawn in by obvious trolling. He will just ignore you. You need to learn the fine art of subtle insinuation.

Let me know if you want lessons.

Mr. President, I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Try moving to the left side; it’s a happier place.

Please remember dear, it is important for a man in your position to model proper spelling and grammar. In your vituperative spew above, you made several clumsy errors that could have easily been avoided had you done a short review before clicking Submit Reply. As an example, your first sentence should have read “God you’re stupid.”, as “you’re” is the proper contraction for “you are”. There are other errors as well, the most obvious of which is your failure to capitalize the first letter of a proper name. Given that Dan Heaton–even with his injuries–is a much better rider than you are, it shouldn’t be that difficult for you to show the proper respect by getting his name right.

For the good of the country and the forum, please try a little harder sir.


Thanks for the constructive criticism.

Common excuses for poor online writing:

  • Grammar: It’s a thread and I don’t have a lot of time to post at certain hours.
  • I use more than one computer
  • I tend to type a lot sloppier on my mac
  • I also hate using the mouse that is connected to it.
  • There is no reason to type well in the thread, it’s pointless

Really lame excuses for poor online writing:

  • I have plenty of grammar experience…
  • 4 years of German
  • 3 years of Spanish
  • 2 years of French
  • 2 years of Latin
  • Lifetime of English and composition classes.

Where does using the English (or whatever) language properly cease to matter? There’s informal vs. formal writing, but that’s not the same thing as paying no attention to spelling or grammar.

These are just general comments, and are intended for everyone.

of course they are :smiley:

are you guys having an affair or something?

you talk just like you were his girlfriend…

Actually I can agree with the fact of informal writing can have spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes. It’s more like.

As one is typing noticing mistakes as the cruise along (if they’re fast)

“Hmm, I could correct that” (Still typing along) “Whatever, it’s just the forums” (Still typing) “A little typo, no one should be a big enough dick to correct it” (Still typing almost finishing) “Well at least they should know it’s a simple typo, if not… Then i’ve lost all hope in people’s logic.”

btw- Usually there would only be one set of quotes here, with the ( ) going imbetween the words or commas place. However, this way you tear away from the fact a person is talking and concentrate more on the typing. Knowing it’s a more focused ungoing action. Meaning what’s imbetween the quotes, aren’t as important as the fact that (not concise, not needed at all really) the person is continueing to type without much care for the mistakes. It would be easier if it were filmed.

“Big” Street- Kevin McMullin
Techy/Flatland street- Shaun Johanesson/Dan Heaton
Trials- Ryan Atkins, Kris Holm (he rides rails like no other)
Muni- Kris Holm
Freestyle- Ryan Woessner, Kaori Matsuzawa
BC- Jeff Groves, Bryan Stevens, Spencer Hochberg, Evan Byrne (Sorry for so many BCers.

“My fellow Americans…”


It amazes me. In your lambasting of John Foss, I’m beginning to believe that you have absolutely no idea who you’re talking to…oops, sorry Miss A…to whom you are talking.

Are you really that clueless or is it all just a ploy? Please tell me you’re just kidding.

Nope. I’ve made my point. Have fun in your research.

ACtually Bruce, I think GWB knows well who John is, but seems to have some deep issue with people that are A) older B) nicer C) smarter, and D) more respected than GWB is. Note how often he drops the names of outstanding young riders, then implies he’s ridden with each of them and manages to trash something about them in the same sentence. Highly skilled old riders–with exception of Foss–don’t even warrant that level of abuse. They just don’t exist. With Foss, the GWB view seems to be “get lost old fogie, you’re not welcome here any more”. Quite sad, since regardless of comparative riding skills–and we don’t know GWB’s since he has not had the courage to identify himself–there’s a level of knowledge, expertise, history of the sport being discounted. I’d rather ski with Phil Maher than Bode Miller any day.

GWB could not be more full of himself, or full of shit as far as I’m concerned. Whatever amusement people see in his posts is lost on me. I’m adding him now to my Ignore List so I don’t have to read his crap response to this, or to anything else. Buh Bye GWB. If my last name started with G, you’d be heading soon to Coventry.