White Ninja

No…sorry, I’m not a ninja :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone else love white ninja?
if you dont know what I’m talking about…

Damn… I thought you were looking for a white ninja… Cause, well… I’m one

Are you seriously?
What do you do to become one?
Thats insane!

I used to read them now and then, but then I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me.

Youre quite welcome. I find it amussing when I’m tired cause its mindless humor.

Wow… that has to be one of the most random cartoons ever… But it fits my sense of humor perfectly… Wait, doesn’t that say something about me? Damnit…

Man, that was great!! :smiley:

MAN…that’s like the funniest cartoon ever!!

I’m telling you!
And hes cute too!

If you like that style of humor check out www.BigStonehead.net

Its a comic a few of my buddies run in a few college newspapers around the country. Always a good time with oversized stones

Comic!!! :slight_smile:

More stuff to look at to pass away the hours at work instead of actually working.

Was going to make a new thread but the search button kicked this post up. Thought I may as well recycle.

Todays white ninja has a unicycle in it! Exciting I know!

White ninja

I was all excited, cuz I thought Kristine was finally back…oh well.


as soon as i saw this i thought “owg kristine is back!!”

i opened it up and saw the date was 05 and was like aww

I was curious about this white ninja, followed the link and clicked on a random comics…
here’s what I saw.
Cool isn’t it?:wink:


[EDIT] Sorry Zzagg…

i just saww this well cool !