white lies

what is a white lie to you?
when is the last time you produced one?
what was the aim of your white lie, in which circumstances did it occur?

It is like when people say Koxx rocks but they know theyre lying, but they’re trying to be nice to Benjamin…

Billy always starts the best threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

White lie? :wink:

what is a white lie to you?

white lie n : An unimportant lie (especially one told to be tactful or polite). An often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth.

I think I can agree with that.

when is the last time you produced one?

I would never tell a white lie and only half the other lies I tell aren’t true.

what was the aim of a white lie?

The purpose of a white lie is to keep your memory sharp because I’m sure you know: When You Always Tell the Truth, You Never Have to Remember What You Said.

You first.

The Bush Administration?

I agree, I like to make up stories and go along with things to convince people of random things. I make up a lot of stuff so I tell many white lies but nothing major.

I lie all the time 24/7 365 I only tell white lies once a year when I eat Easter dinner at my grandmas lol.

uni57 does not lie.

I said that the giant catterpillar has seven hundred thousand legs exactly.

:stuck_out_tongue: racist :stuck_out_tongue:
we have to call it a caucasion lie ,because of the political correctness people

How about grey and black lies?
Well, Wikipedia says:
“A white lie would cause no discord if it were uncovered and offers some benefit to the liar or the hearer, or both. For example, when two people collide in a crowded hallway and one falls down, he might tell the other that he’s not hurt, even if he’s hurt a little bit. Lies which are harmless but told for no reason are generally not called white lies.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie

ask these people

a white lie is when you have a detention and you say your staying after school

Told for NO reason? Doesn’t everything have a reason?

Interesting. A real movie, I guess.

You lied, you lying liar!

I didn’t believe you anyway.

Sorry. :o

white lies are a very important skill if you want to survive in Dilbertesque big corporations. But the frontier between white lie and voluntarily benevolent lie is blurred if you are a wicked optimist.
With age I developed great imaginative ways to circumvent all those crazy processes invented by managers grewing out of touch with reality.
another twist to this skill is to use the aïkido way: just apply the rule to its ridiculous limits and naïvely ask what to do then: great fun garanteed!

“Darling, does this make my butt look big?”

Knock yourself out.