my parental units were drivin down the old hwy 2 and saw the most incredible thing a unicyclist who they deemed to be set up to do trials. now there no experts but I’m hoping he was actually A. a unicyclist or at least riding one
B. a trials rider
if you ride uni trials in whitby add me I live in ajax and work in whitby oh and ride uni trials.
No, Logan and I already figured it out. His parents saw me, they even described the bright orange shirt I was wearing. Ryan was probably chillin’ at home at the time. And yeah, those are the same Ajaxs.
he will if you don’t make a big deal of it and be like don’t sign them. ryan likes to spite me, but secretely I like to think he cares more about me than unicycling, to test this one of these days I’m gonna ask him to give up unicycling for me.
Come now Logan, I’ll make a point of making a huge deal of it. But I’d like to point out that I’m the one with a hat with his signature on it alright man. And Ryan loves the Uni. much more than he loves you. Cause I mean, he doesn’t get to ride you, only his uni.
hey, i think that would of been me. It was 2 weeks ago mind, and i couldnt do to much because of my ankle and there was far to many god damn tourists!!
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! 3 things wrong with this… and proves it wasn’t you… first of all… it happened like 2 days ago today, NOT 2 WEEKS AGO!!! They said Trials… not stupid freestyle (no offense to freestyle, but when I say stuff sometimes I call it stupid)!!! And 3… okay this is gonna’ take a minute. I’m not sure of the geography lessons that you guys get in Bristol. But England and Canada are seperated by a long ways… AN ENTIRE OCEAN! And I’m sure you’re a good unicyclist but most people wouldn’t just happen to be riding in WHITBY, Canada if they’re from BRISTOL.