What’s with everyone nowadays saying whilst instead of while? Maybe there’s some grammar rule out there that is just now catching on, maybe it’s an east of the Atlantic thing, but this is something new to me. It used to be one of those obscure words you hardly hear, now it’s showing up everywhere.
Whilst I agree with you I have to say I haven’t really noticed.
Can we expect a re-birth of the word ‘whom’?
I just like the sound of it… so I use it
Hey! I still use whom. There are places where “who” doesn’t fit.
Whilst is really just an older form of while. A lot of people like to use what they call “big” words to sound funny. I still use whom where it’s appropriate. Sometimes I need to think about it,but I usually correct myself.
And ending sentences in prepositions needs to stop. Winston Churchill was accused of doing that and he said “There some things up with which I will not put.”
Go Winston.
I don’t say whom ever, unless I am correcting somebody(its fun to be a hippocrit. Infact I think whom isn’t spelt goodly. It should be hoome, not whom( pr. Womm). That my two unlogically sensses,
^ purpose.