which uni to buy?

I have just started to learn to ride my friends uni and really want my own.Not sure which to get but I’ll probably in the future be riding cross country across grass,dirt,gravel and concrete.Would like advice on which uni to get.Also can I learn on any type of uni or should I start on the 20 inch?Say would a 24inch muni still be ok for a beginner to learn on?Am after a quality uni that will last,so any advice on brands would be great.

1st off let me welcome you to the forum! You should search before you make threads, but your new so you get your free-non searched post pass :slight_smile:

now to your question:
i had a 24" sun to begin with but now own a nimbus X 24" for riding around. from what you said it seems like you want to use your uni for commuting, so a 24" would be good.

over all i would say to go with a torker lx or a nimbus X

yea, a 24" MUni should be fine to learn on, now that you’re using the search feature, what sort of MUni are you thinking about getting?

what i did was when i got to the stage your at, i got a crap 24", and pimped it for muni(mtn bike tire, kris holm seat, good pedals…), whiched worked fine until it broke in half. i’d say get a good muni now, so you have one which won’t need to be replaced later. the onza muni http://www.unicycle.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=748 is pretty nice ( it’s what i havve), the picture does it no justice. if your not lacking in funds though, go for the KH 24" muni, it is the one.:wink:

I am going to voice an unpopular opinion: start on a beginner (freestyle type) unicycle, such as the previously mentioned Torker DX or Nimbus X, then move on to a real MUni when you’re a little better. The freestyle uni will a much friendlier beast than a MUni to learn on, and you won’t grow dependent on a huge 3.0" tire.

uhm, i am not going to tell you which unicycle to buy. there are too many options
the torker LX is the best cotterless(square taper) unicycle.

the torker DX is a good beginner cycle, but the nimbus ISIS splined unicycles are top notch for low price

and the Kris Holm unicycles… you need nothing better for anything… not saying it couldn’t use a few upgrades… but they are where its at.

thanks for the advice Im still trying to figure out how this site works so hope I dont tread on any toes doin the wrong thing.Bye

Im thinkin of getting a Nimbus 24" muni

Yeah I was thinkin to get a good one rather than work my way through a couple of different ones.

Do you mean then that a 24inch is easier to ride than the 20 inch?
