Which online store charge a cheap international shipping rate?

Hey guys, i live in Singapore (in South East Asia). This small island have absolutely close to nothing related to unicycles.

I need to ship unicycle stuff from overseas, so any recommendation on which website that sells unicycling stuff with cheap international shipping rate (particularly Asia)?

I think unicycle.com don’t ship internationally, do they?

not entirely sure

most sites ship internationally, mostly costing the same depending on geographical location, sorry i dont know whats best in your area

Municycle.com is a good place. International customers get ~16% off because we don’t have to pay tax, so it doesn’t matter that your paying a bit more shipping cause your getting a bargin.
There is also good sale on the 2005 KH 24 and 29 if your into muni.


great. thanks!

anymore? :smiley:

unicycle.com.uk ship internationally. Not sure what they’re shipping rates are though.


you can email them for a quote on shipping, you dont pay VAT on purchases from them either

I think you should also get a quote from the Australian UDC as they look to be the clostest place to you. Also if you are looking for a good freestyle uni then there is always https://www.mys-co.com/shop_e/index.html. They have a muni but I wouldn’t recommend it and I don’t know anyone that has tried it.

Call Darren, his webpage is: www.bedfordunicyles.ca He’s located in Canada and really great to deal with, give him a call about shipping!

Europe might be a better option, but you might as well give him a call.


they have free shipping, and international shipping but idk how much the international shipping is
but idk what kinda uni u want

thanks guys for being so helpful…i appreciate that…im thinking to ship a trial uni and coker over… :slight_smile: