I think every adult should get off the couch and go experience the real world and real people before they die!
More important than any silly ol’ book.
Crazy empiricists!
Ender’s Game
to kill a mockingbird is great. the only other thing that even comes close is harry potter. you’d never rest in peace if you died without knowing what all the fuss was about.
I was thinking along the lines of “an atlas”, so they can then go to all the places in it…
the ‘guiness book of world records’
a 3-inch thick user’s manual for something
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Changed my life.
In the non fictional area of the library:
Douglas R. Hofstadter :
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.
Fascinating but maybe not to everyone’s taste. If you refer to mathematics as “sums”, give it a miss, or just look at the pictures. If any book had an effect on my thinking, then this one did, and I know it still holds more for me to discover.
1984 and fox in sox + the communist manefesto
the paul jennings collection
Kurt Vonegut’s - Slaughter house 5, very odd but good book
Illusions, by Richard Bach
I played a piece titled Illusions by Frost in orchestra this year…I didn’t like it much.
Anyway, I’d have to say one of the famous dystopian fiction novels…Anthem, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, one of those…I think many things ring slightly true.
TKaM is definitely way up there on the list though…it is an amazing book.
Although, that kinda proves a point. Why just read one book before you die? There are many amazing books. I’d like to read them all
Life of Pi…it certainly changed my life!
I enjoyed that too. It didn’t change my life though.
the complete series of Goose Bumps by R.L.Stein
I dont think there is a book out there that you have to read, but you should take as many opportunities to read as many books as you can, I am not saying to read all day because, if your like me, your too busy unicycling, working, being with your girlfriend, or wife, boyfriend, husband, kids if you have any, and other things that usually occur during the day, so the only time i have time to read is at night, a few hours before going to bed, maybe an hour during the day, whenever I can fit it in.
Try to read as many books by as many authors in as many different writing styles and plots you can.
Man, its been such a long time since I’ve read those…they’re amazing books though!