
Byrnetown: hi i am a unicycler form uniycyclist.com
pdcvfbs: hi
Byrnetown: a/s/l?
pdcvfbs: ?
Byrnetown: a/s/l?
pdcvfbs: hang on
Byrnetown: ok
Byrnetown: back yet?
pdcvfbs: don’t know what a/s/l means
Byrnetown: age/sex/land?
pdcvfbs: 44/m/yes i own land
Byrnetown: lol
Byrnetown: no what land are you from?
Byrnetown: us/what state?
Byrnetown: 44?
Byrnetown: are you the gilby that makes the uni t-shirts?
pdcvfbs: nope usa
Byrnetown: o
Byrnetown: are u the gilby that made unicyclist?
pdcvfbs: nope
Byrnetown: do you unicycle?
Byrnetown: if so what unis do u have?
Byrnetown: what kind of riding do you like?
Byrnetown: what level are you?
Byrnetown: do you like trials?
Byrnetown: how long have you been riding?
pdcvfbs: Level 3
pdcvfbs: Rode for a couple of years in high school and after and just started again a couple of months ago
Byrnetown: cool
Byrnetown: how many unis and what kind?
pdcvfbs: 3
pdcvfbs: 6 schwinn giraffe
pdcvfbs: 20" schwinn
pdcvfbs: Nimbus MUni
Byrnetown: coool
Byrnetown: hi i am a unicycler
pdcvfbs: i figured
Byrnetown: y?
Byrnetown: a/s/l?
Byrnetown: i am total uni
pdcvfbs: haven’t we done this before…I’m the land owner
Byrnetown: the controversial one
Byrnetown: o ya

Byrnetown (2:18:28 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:30 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:31 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:33 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:34 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:35 PM): bye
Byrnetown (2:18:40 PM): bye
TheObieOne3226 (2:18:40 PM): im blocking you
Byrnetown (2:18:44 PM): no
TheObieOne3226 (2:19:04 PM): then stop fucking spamming me assmuffin

hhahaha lol

yep thats me!


o and “good unicycler” is me

i posted “total uni” please stop your posts!!!"

Byrnetown: look at the newest post
enotsolehtmai: hang on i just got up
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: what y?
Byrnetown: ?
Byrnetown: ?
Byrnetown: ?
Byrnetown: ?
enotsolehtmai: what
Byrnetown: y u get up so late?
enotsolehtmai: why not
Byrnetown: because i got up at 6
enotsolehtmai: dont have anything to do today
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
enotsolehtmai: why you up so early
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
enotsolehtmai: cool
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: lol
Byrnetown: post that on the newest post
Byrnetown: look at it
Byrnetown: k
Byrnetown: k
enotsolehtmai: 20 or 24in
Byrnetown: 20?
Byrnetown: 20"
Byrnetown: k
Byrnetown: k
enotsolehtmai: ohh yeah duh
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: and my yuni with profile hub gets here today
Byrnetown: look at the newest postk
Byrnetown: k
Byrnetown: k
Byrnetown: k

Haha…are these real conversations!? THey’re more annoying than mine! if that’s possible…haha…

Isn’t chat wonderful? It makes everyone look intelligent. :slight_smile:

I call chat low bandwidth communication. It’s a slow way to communicate and doesn’t pass very much information compared to the time that it takes to participate.

Forums and email are higher bandwidth. Well organized web pages are even higher on the information bandwidth scale.

Low Bandwidth information…hehe…how LOW can you go?
(by you I don’t mean “you” personally, I mean in the general chat room conversation standards.)

Bandwidth Schmandwidth…Chat is what it is. It serves a very useful purpose at times. Just as other forms of communication. To me, I can’t identify any bandwidth difference between chat, Email forum posts or talking to my neighbor. They are all just forms of communication.
I wonder why I’m writing this :thinking:


I want to publicly apologize to total uni. I"M SORRY FOR THIS THREAD. I have been IMing with him and he is a cool kid. He’s been giving me good tips on riding. He is an interesting intelligent young man.

do you need to tlak to us?