Today I entered an alternate parallel universe where EVERYBODY rides unicycles. Well, occasionally you come across a person who can’t ride, but they are rare and odd. So of course, you ask them, “Where’s your wheel?”
No, it wasn’t a dream…
it was a Unatics meet!!!
It was my first encounter with actual in-person unicyclists. It was amazing! Thanks everybody!
RSU is a fantastic place to have your questions answered, but nothing compares to being shown the answer.
Our weekly unicycle rides are starting to kick off here. Now we’ve got a total of 6 people coming along on saturday and I know of 3 or 4 others who have shown interest. In my suburb, there are now about 10-15 unicyclists. Funnily enough, they all got their unicycles after I started riding all over the place :).
Still, I wish I could come along to one of those Uniatics meets.
It was incredible. We had all types of unicycles – they were lying all over the ground. And people were riding around. Some on giraffes. One of the Dave’s was riding an ultimate wheel on the snow with such amazing control – it looked like he was on a unicycle, not an UW. There were unicycles with two wheels (b*kes?). I saw people wheel walk, do one foot wheel walking, do hops and drops, do one foot idling and riding, and much more.
I could ask questions and people would show me the answer. Another Dave encouraged me to practice hopping, showed me how to mount my new 29", and answered other questions. Yet another Dave explained some of the finer points of control and balance, and also gave me technical info and tips on unicycle maintenance (the wheel is off-center on my new Yuni).
Such an amazing experience. Unicyclists are undoubtedly the nicest people! And the coolest thing is that in about two weeks, I get to do it again. And then again two weeks later. “Ad funitum…” [sic]
I love to unicycle, and I do it every day. But even so, somehow going to the meets provides even more motivation. It’s fun and educational. And it provides focus. Because I want to demonstrate some new hopping ability next time. And I want to nail mounting the 29er. It’s like I have homework – fun homework. The meets give me a short-term goal to work toward. I want to put some of what I was shown into practice.
If anybody lives within range of a unicycle club, I strongly encourage you to go. Even if it’s a long drive. Even if it’s a very long drive. Start a club if you have to (and then it will be close to home).
Again, thanks to all the Unatics – see you in two weeks!
uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - Anne, thanks for the tips and info on navigating (driving!) through Manhattan!
My unicycle club meets sometimes, but not every week. there are 6 members and it’s called the Washoe County Unicycle Club.
My friend Eric does mountain unicycling almost every week.