Where's the April Fools prank

Gilby usually treats us to an April Fools day prank. Where is it?

He is after you now!

My pants. :frowning:

Look again. :smiley:

I almost never get anything interesting in the mail.
When I check the mail I often joke, “Hmm… Let’s see, did my rich uncle die and leave me any money?”

Well today I got a letter from a law firm. It turns out my uncle Donald died and I was mentioned in his will!
I didn’t even know I had an uncle Donald. Awesome!

What a second… but today is…

I hear my wife giggling around the corner. :o
Grrr… I was so close to being rich today. :roll_eyes:

Gone away for another year unfortunately. :frowning:

But we wanted a funny one.

No, Harper, look at ME, LOOK AT ME! :D:p:o :astonished: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :roll_eyes: :thinking:

Indeedicus. :smiley:

I misse out again!

I wonder if BTM is responsible for this one! :stuck_out_tongue: