Wheres all the Andrews?

I’ve noticed 2 screen names either Andrew or Andy. I was wondering how many Andrews there are here, i’m one. Please reply if your an Andrew. : )


i have an uncle andrew!!!

i Andrew, and you forgot to say no posers!

ok ok

NO POSERS!!! like Andrew said : )

Thank you obie, please tell your uncle that he’s very cool, cause he’s an Andrew.


i shall.

but dont i get massive cool points for being the nephew of an andrew?


Why yes, you do!!!

  • Adds massive cool points to Obies score sheet*

Thanks for reminding me,


i’m an Andrew

yessssss cool points!!!

If I’m not an Andrew then my name’s not Andrew Carter! :slight_smile: How many Andrews are left handed?


yes! my uncle is also left handed.

::anticipates more cool points::

i am, im also an american living in canada which makes me sinister for 2 reasons (so im told anyway)

::continues anticipating more cool points::

My middle name is Andrew, and I’m left handed… does that count?


Hi, I’m andrew.

wow : )

Theres more Andrews than I thought. Umm… I say we include Phil cause a middle name is still a name. I was on a bus tongiht with 2 other Andrews, There everywhere!!! even in canada, although some are americans. I’m not left handed though, wow, I started this and now i’m the outcast : (. Is is ok if I mount using my left foot to hop?? Ok, i’m gonna get going, i’ll check back tomorrow maybe and see if this has progressed even more.


  • goes to leave, but comes back and adds more points that obie was anticipating*

God’s name is Andy. I heard it in the songs growing up in church…

“Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me…”

Since Canada is in America, I wouldn’t be surprised if a great many Americans are living in Canada. I’ve never been in Canada though.

Klaas Bil

Re: wow : )

Yay! I feel so… fulfilled… :slight_smile:

Andrew (sortof-ish)

I think it is And he not Andy.

I’m a both handed Andrew

What a patently ridiculous idea. Come up with something half believable next time…
