Where will unicyclist.com be in 10 years?

Just thought it was kind of interesting to think about, so discuss.

right here, YO!

Most Reply’s will be at 10,000,000,000,000 posts… There will probablly be a " new 2017 Kris Holm trials!" thread or three…

Oh yeah. Ten “How do I learn triple crank flips hlp plz” threads.

I, nostradamus predict: there will be atleast 10 threads telling newcomers how great the DX is, and another five saying that the frames still snap.

Billy and I will still be arguing in the religion threads.

haha!! yeah!

The question is: Will Gilby still be hosting it, or will it migrate to comeone else’s servers?

It would be cool to have a thread about what you think unicycling will be like in 10 years. Then in 10 years look back at it and compare.

what year was unicyclis dot com started?

Will you or I still be active members.

Yes, for me! This will test of that positive thinking thread stuff.

Those predictions actually sound pretty accurate, except for the 10 trillion posts thing. It’ll probably be more like a couple million, if that.

Ha I bet there will be a lot more people on here and the tricks will just be insane like how do you do a 720-900 uni spin and how do you clear a 20set! Like someone said people will still be arguing about the dx and everyone new person will not search and make a new thread on it for some unknown reason…

I bet a lot of current riders will stop riding.but even more will replace them.

I don’t think so =p…

out of a dozen riders I can think of 2 ride every or almost everday. 3 would ride almost everyday if they could (they are busy with shcool/work/ grounded). 2 ride once a week. 2 ride every other week or so. and the last 3have not riden in more than 2 months.
my prediction is a bunch of riders will stop riding alltogether.
but i think the majority will keep riding.

There will be a thread where all this actually happens. New Inventions

If not, someone will develop a super unicycle that would destroy the BMX/MTB world and i can’t wait till that day. :smiley: :smiley:

Shaun Johanneson will finally nail that fakie 720 unispin into a blunt slide down a fifty-seven stair set rail, with a quintuple crankflip out…

I’m guessing it’ll still be at unicyclist.com

I forgot to add, people will still be asking if you can fit 42mm bearings in nimbus 40mm bearing frames. The answers will still be exactly half yes, half no.
