Where to upload video? (or compress)

I made a new video over the last couple of days and it’s 170mb. That means I can’t upload to youtube or gallery. Do you guys know how to compress it to 100mb or where you can upload it?

Edit: I use Cyberlink Power Director

Try uploading it to photobucket.

EDIT: Nevermind, max is 100mb on photobucket. Sorry.

Will it be bad quality though? all the vids ive seen on there were horrible quality.\

Edit: It has a 100mb limit too.

You could break the video in half, Like “Unicycle vid part 1” and “unicycle vid part 2” and put it on youtube.

It’s only 3 mins long

It looks like Cyberlink Power Director has the ability to output video files in several formats. Did you output an .ISO file? That would be pretty big. I thought I read that it would output streaming .wmv files. These would be pretty small. Next up would be one of the .MPEG formats. If your original output is in .ISO format, can you output to one of the smaller formats? Then compress with Windows Media Encoder which will compress video formats like .wmv, .MPEG, and perhaps some others.

Use Google Video.

My latest video was like 180 mb, I used Adobe Premier Elements and exported to Mpeg, and that was the only setting I could export to without it being terrible quality. Then I uploaded it to google video.

Unfortuantly, it looks a little worse now that it’s on google video. But, yours should be fine.

thanks to evil nick for the idear…

export as a raw .avi file, import into windows movie maker, and export it to the number of MB you want it to be.

it comes out as a clean looking .wmv (unless you over compress it of course)

Everybody raise your hand if you want to download a 170MB video that’s only three minutes long… :stuck_out_tongue:

Kudos to the people who have more useful answers to the question; I don’t work with video much, except the stuff that comes out of my still camera. Smugmug requires me to convert it to MPEG1 for their site, which is a hassle but doesn’t shrink the file size any.

I tried importing it into WMM but It gives me a message saying it couldn’t be imported because, “An interface has to many methods to fire events from”

Does anyone know what that means or how to fix it?
I also did upload it to google video. That works fine, Thanks Forrest.

It will cut the file size in half, regardless of the video length.


Install the K-Lite Codec Pack. That may fix your import problem. The K-Lite install has an option to clean up missing or broken codecs. Make sure to check that option.

What is the resolution of the video? If it is 640x480 or there abouts you can cut the X and Y dimensions in half. That will make it sized right for YouTube and also cut the file size and allow it to compress better.