where is obie?

anybody know what happendend to obie? i havent seen him posta thread ina long time.

i see him active on my yahoo messenger but i guess hes to good to answer me… :roll_eyes:

He probably left cause he was getting harassed so much.


He was back in Philly for thanksgiving break.

He just went home today.

I thought you hated obie, drewation?

Yeah, I was at home. I still am gonna chill on this forum though, since recently its sucky suck rating has been sucktastic.


Total uni…pardon my french (and I don’t mean to start a flame-war but…)

Go smell monkey butts.

Oh yeah you must really hate me…

Edit: Eeeewwww…Bad JPEG resize…


i use to think u were cool but…

once you blocked me and started countering everything i said on the fourm i now hate u…




  1. Its dated less than 2 weeks ago.
  2. I blocked you…so you hated me, and sought vengeance by asking me to unblock you? Right…
  3. You PM’d me 10 times asking me to unblock you before I ignored you.

  1. My last AIM log of speaking to you was 3 weeks before your PM. So I blocked you and you still (desperately it seems) wanted me to unblock you.

I have much more, so try me. :slight_smile:

Edit: Hey wait, theres more!

  1. How could I counter everything you say when you’re on my ignore list and I can’t read your posts? The only thing I said was when I cursed you out.


this is the best thread ever.

you rule kev.

cool this thread got a five star rating :smiley: im so happy


im sorry i dont really understand what you mean by that?


BURN means that ObiWan said something insulting to total uni and totally made him look uncool. Example:

ObiWan: Total Uni, you suck.
Total Uni: :frowning:
Someone else: BURNINATED!!!

FYI: BURN is actually just short for BURNINATED.

i was under the impression burninated was an elongated version of burn that was invented afterwards, after the invention of trogdor

Nooooope, that’s just what they want you to think.



All of this just reinforces my choice to keep the PM feature turned off. People can always email me if they want.

If there were powered moderators on this forum, I’d ask them to not allow the two of you to talk to each other. Like being seated on opposite sides of the room in a classroom.