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for me in my house dwells with fast internet in tokyo. for me dweller of house of white next, has penis on forehead. Known is he all of Japan!

You might want to look for a new translation program.

Or maybe not. That is pretty funny.

Freakin funny!
Do you think it may have been done on purpose by someone… either the poster ( not to point fingers cause I dont know them) or whoever helped translating…or. I mean- penis!


woops i mean


Ok…sorry to thread jack…but I have to appoligize… I found it so odd that a transulator would add "penis"in tha tI assumed it had to be a joke. I searched other posts made by the same person… and I feel bad. It wasnt a joke… just someone who got mixed up with english. and I’m really sorry now@ I feel bad

I don’t think you were wrong. Not 100% sure who it is, but I’m thinking west coast.

so…theyre not actually from tokyo or whereever?
That makes me mad, cause I was feeling really guilty and mean!!! I thought I just made fun of some innocent person

I just think it is funny that apparently he called someone (his neighbor?) a dickhead in Japanese and it was translated as “penis on forehead.”

Next time someone is acting like a dickhead, I think I will stare real hard at their forehead and say, “What’s that you’ve got growing there?”

Mocking ill repute causes me pain because of my house of next dweller is proud of the penis of his.

And you know that because…umm…

ok. I’m really lost.
If youre really from Tokyo I’m very sorry
If not, stop making me feel bad…and wonder! Not cool

From tokyo is where I live. uniccylists with weak strokes who say I am not I, put shame on me.

Welcome Thanh-uni. Glad you are here. Please pardon us Americans. Sometimes we act like we were born with penises on our foreheads.

to sound that you make of penis on forehead is bad, yes? As for me i guess penis on forehead is one off fast ankles and glory.

man this is getting to be alot of fun to figure out what Thanh is actually saying