Where are the Joe Biden threads?

Recycled Argument

Here’s the scenario: The president is under anesthesia while a dentist prods one of his molars (or maybe he’s flying in Airforce One and weather conditions have affected the planes communication system). A doomsday scenario unfolds in the Middle East involving a suicide bomber, a US military installment and foreign diplomats, immediate action is required— Who’s your best pick: Senator Joe Biden or Gov. Sarah Palin?

In the last 8 years, decision making power was transferred to Vice President Dick Cheney multiple times under similar circumstances. Most notably on September 11, 2001; during the terrorist attacks, the President had lost communication with the White House while flying to a secure location. Amidst the confusion in the chain of command, and not knowing the full extent of the situation, Vice President Cheney Would you give this power to Sarah Palin? Seriously?