Where are all the Black unicyclists?

Here is a post from a freeride mountainbike forum I read. i thought this was worthy enough to share with you. Please read it. (just fill in “unicycling” when it says "mountain biking) Do you think this applies to unicycling too? Do you think unicycling would be more “extreme” if there were more blacks?


Edit: FYI, Shaums March is a pro DH rider who is black.

I agreed with all of his observations and opinions.

I think if blacks joined this sport more than they do now…white people would start to suck(more than they already do). They are so good in every sport, just imagine if they got into unicycling… (not like its a bad thing) I would love to see how high their side hop would be.

I only saw one black kid at moab, it would have been nicer to see more. That article definently proves its point. But how are we supposed to attract black people to the sport of unicycling, when most of them are off playing football and basketball? I don’t think it will ever happen (more blacks joining unicycling). Although I would like to see more black riders. Most black people believe that they are supposed to join a stereotypical image…basketball player, football, track, etc. I admire black people who break this image, like the black downhiller the article mentioned, and the unicyclist I saw at Moab. Its more of a “what if” question more than a “when” question.

:frowning: <sigh> :frowning:

AHhaha. Ive only ever seen/talked to one black unicyclist. Iused tro wonder hte exact same thing, now, i just dont care.

Wow, never thought I’d be able to post with authority on something here. I was wrong. I’m black (see below pic) I’m a unicyclist (see below pic).
And seriously people, I doubt Black people (note, not blacks, BLACK PEOPLE is my preference) would really raise the sport, bottom line is it depends on you, and how hard you wanna work, I haven’t heard of any genetic predisposition to strength and speed. Sounds to me like an argument used by the slave owners.

     Sorry, just needed to get my word out. about 75-85 percent of the black people I offer to try my uni decline. Mostly because of the image associated with uni, clowns and crap. not X-Treme. A lady friend of mine unicycles and is black, we have this convo alot.  And sadly, I've yet to find unicycling to be a sport that really attracts the ladies. but that's a rant for another post.

Yo! check out The King Charles Troupe and the videos there on the site.

That is so awesome…great clip.

If they just had Steve Howard handles on the front of their unis, they could bring the uni up with them on those big slam dunks, then ride out of it.

Yes it is, but it does sort of reinforce the stereotypes we should be getting away from. “Where are all the black unicyclists?”… “Here they are, playing basketball of course.”

Why are people so obsessed with race? Of course there are cultural and physical differences between people that may bias them towards particular activities, but why can’t we just all do what we enjoy or are good at, without being put into some pigeonhole?

‘Image is everything’

I’ve heard alot of ‘stereotypes’ ‘blacks’ have, living in Chicago …
(from eating Boston Cream donuts … to clothing style)

The world goes ‘full circle’ on this topic you know. :smiley:

IMO ‘blacks’ have an ‘image problems’ :smiley:
(pier pressure to great to Uni)

Doesn’t memphis unicycle club or whatever have a whole bunch of black kids?

A little too politcally correct are we?

I am not black. But I do have a black soul. I do think black people should get involved in Unicycling (is that what this thread is about?) Well i just think it would be nice.

Read the post. Dont be a f*cktard.

KING CHARLES TROUPE! Damn haha thats pretty nice. Uhh its kinda is what they called a “black sport” (basketball) mixing with the “white sport” but i really dont think any race should be considered better at a sport then a specific race. I have no idea what i just said thank you

IF black people had more fast twitch muscle (good for sprinting, jumping, quick bursts of speed) then that implies that white people have more slow twitch muscle (good for endurence, marathons, distance biking).

There is some evidence for this, but some evidence against. For instance, Kenyan marthon runners vs Michael Johnson and other black sprinters. That’s one “color/race” with both types of muscle fiber.

There may be some truth to the slow twitch vs fast twitch genetics, but the fact is you can build both. When I started distance biking my vertical jump got worse then back when I was a soccer goalie because I optimized my legs with slow twitch fibers instead of fast twitch fibers. So, of course, if you test a basketball player vs a swimmer you’ll see fiber differences, and if they happen to be black vs white you could make the correlation, but that doesn’t really prove anything.

The sport differences are mainly caused by self perpetuating social and economic reasons, not inherent genetic ability. There may be some of that, but it all comes down to who wants to bust the most ass in practice.

Besides, I don’t think fast twitch muscle would really be that much better in XC and downhill biking anyway. Trials maybe, but you need endurance too. Your body will build and optomize to what it needs for the sport if you practice enough, doesn’t matter what race you are.

I think it’s more a social/cultural issue. Now, I really don’t know, and I’m just offering up a completely uneducated opinion, but that’s what I think.

LOL, well I am a black GIRL unicyclist!

:smiley: I dont’ know what got me into it. But I’m a big baby when it comes to doing stairs and all that stuff. I’ve only been unicycling for less than a year, so I say give it time. But here I am, also, new to unicyclist.com and everything. I have 4 unicycles and an right foot forward when I hop.

wow that tire looks hug on you…


Way to not mess around, get right to the KH 29. That ride will take you places…