Where are all the black people? I can’t remember seeing any in all of the videos I’ve seen or in any pics on here?
It seems kind of odd to me because I feel like I get the most respect and interest in what I am doing from black men and women, young and old.
Just the other day I was riding outside and a black guy from across the street came over and introduced himself. He asked me if he could try and I was glad as usual to let him. He was really good for a first timer. Most people just put one foot on and get nervous and never even really get both feet on even, but he almost went more than one revolution on just his first few tries and the seat was way too low for him.
He said he had wanted to unicycle for a long time,but never had before. I told him about UDC and suggested the torker lx. I hope I see him out there riding in a few weeks.
Have you guys and gals had similar experiences?
What are your thoughts?
Yeah, I really dislike how unicycling seems to be dominated white boys.
Kind of like America. hehe.
But seriously, I’ve wondered why that is as well at times.
But yeah, I ran into an African American kid once and he tried it out, liked it and said that was gonna get a uni. It was pretty sweet. I didn’t sugest an LX though. ewwwww…
In different countries and different cultures, some sports do appear to appeal to some ethnic groups more than others. Sometimes its cultural; sometimes it may be economic. Even these days, on average, black people are at an economic disadvantage compared to white people.
For example, in the UK, you very seldom see a black motorcyclist. Plenty of black people ride scooters, but motorcycling is predominantly a white male activity, with the second largest group being white females.
However, it is risky to single out groups on the basis of visible differences (e.g. skin colour). There may be many other groups who are under represented in unicycling, but they’re just less “obvious”.
the large majority of riders i know/ know of are white males. thats they way it is. not sure why is is dominated by “white” and males because (to make a generalization) guys like to do more crazy stuff the females. their is a decent female population of riders though.
their have been a couple black people on here though.
They follow the group so well you can almost get away with saying dumb stuff.
Like black girls can’t play tennis, or black guys can’t play golf etc. My favorite sport, actually the only pro sport I follow, is motocross. And now the Tiger of motocross is James Stewart, the only black guy to play the sport in my memory.
Yet he’s the lone black dot at the front of a trailing cloud of whiteness.
I have no idea why this is so, it just is. Black people like to play with black people is my best guess. As a group they love boxing. I have no doubt we will see a super black uni rider someday. But he will need to think it’s fun to hang with the white folk, and all that. Surely that is the real barrier. Given the record, it is sure black people lack will rather then ability.