When's a teabag done?

Tea on the go

I am not a big fan of hot drinks, but I do have a contraption which can relate Tea to Unicycling. Something not previously mentioned in this thread is the Thermos. I have a double-walled stainless steel Thermos that I bought for taking up the mountain. When you are waiting for the sun to come up on the summit of Mt Taranaki it is nice to have a warm beverage to sip on (it heats up your fingers). This would be an ideal device for the tea-crazy Unicyclists. You could use a gas burner instead but a thermos is easier for quick access to hot liquid.

Re: Tea on the go

if u can drink tea froma thermos u can probably drink it with sugar as well?!?
bleach! :angry:

when stuck on the side of a particularly exposed, windswept mountain, a man can do funny things
i’ve even had coffee with sugar in said circumstances

About this gum tree leaf thing…

Since there are no gum trees in Connecticut, can I use a piece of chewing gum instead? Should it be fresh or already chewed?

We had some interesting sweet smoky tea in Fiji at the house of an Indian family. We woke them up in the middle of the night to say goodbye before leaving for the airport. We had to decline vigorously to keep them from killing a chicken to cook for us right on the spot.

Hey, U-Turn, if you need a tea source try the Brew & Wine Hobby shop, Pitkin St, East Hartford. I haven’t been there lately, but they used to have loose tea by the pound.

Where can I order good tea online? There have been many suggestions on brands. I suppose I’ll do a search when I get a chance. Lots of soccer games to get in today first.


Lots of places. One is alltea.com

Try keemun tea, let it seep for at least 3-4 min. Keemun won’t get bitter if you let it seep too long though.

Hey that’s cool, Brian! Do you have anybody to ride with? We’re only 45 minutes away and I also come sometimes to E Hartford area to ride off-road. There are some very good riders right near you.


well i can’t be bothered 2 wait for tea to be ready so i poke it wiht a spoon unitl the water goes a teay colour then to me its done


I Just opened my latest packet of Dilmah tea and it comes in a vacum sealed package like coffee…mmmm keeping in all that yummy goodness.
you have to try it -

We recently ran across Celestial Seasonings Tangerine Orange Zinger flavor tea. For a teabag-totin’ uncivilized common backwoods American country boy, it’s pretty dang tasty! I vasilate occasionally between using a spash of honey and unadulterated depending upon my mood at the time.

The latest box had a two-bag sample of Tuscany Orange Spice that was even tastier but we haven’t been able to find it in the store. I have a cup of Tangerine Orange Zinger between me and the keyboard right now. Pardon me a moment while I sip…

…aaaahhh! That’s good!


DUDE Haven’t you ever been to Starbucks?! They have menu’s behind the counters that extend allllll the way to either side of the restaurant. Lotsa flavors. I like coffee better.
But then, I’ve never had much experience with tea. I might like it, who knows.

Why drink stupid tea when there’s a company called South Beach Beverage Co., Inc. that makes the greatest bev on earth?! Made from the stuff that’s better than the best stuff on earth that snapple is made of!

If the truth be known, I am not an exclusive like Jagur. I love my coffee through the day and anytime I can find a Starbucks, my steering wheel somehow turns no matter how hard I fight it. At the office gift exchanges this past Christmas, I received five different gifts of coffee. Neat!

But we drink tea in the evenings before and/or after dinner. There’s just something right about the combination of tea and relaxation in the evening hours before bedtime.


It’s difficult to not go to a Starbucks, since there are about 200 on every city block now. You sometimes go there by accident, thinking that it’s the store it was a week ago.

And yeah, I agree that coffee probably isn’t the best thing right before bed…

There’s only one in my city.

Really? Wow. Actually, there’s only three in my city, but that’s probably a lot for a city of only 15,000 people.

Untill I saw who started it, I thought this was going to be about something else. well, that ends my end of this disscussion.


Nick I’m right with you I thought for sure this was going to be totally different.

Re: When’s a teabag done?

Second queston first: Harper is a good rider and handy at fixing screen doors, but he’s also a former president of the “Root Beer Misinformation Society of America”, a top secret cadre of cola drinkers that deliberately mis-lead the public about non-cola alternatives. On geared hubs and wheel building trust his advice…but on root beer? Be warned…

Some teas can steep for days. When I make a full pot of my favorite mix of 2/3 Red Zinger and 1/3 Sleepytime, I just leave whatever is left in the teapot with the tea bags, and heat it up the next evening. This fact does not apply to added bourbon. You want to add that fresh each day, or else the microwave will cook out the essential ingrediants.

Other teas–Earl Grey being a specific example–get very bitter if oversteeped. With Earl Grey, it’s generally best to steep for only a couple minutes maximum. Perhaps with Earl Grey it has something to do with the oil of bergemot. I know that when brewing beer, it gets more bitter the longer you steep the hops…this is because the heat releases more of the oil from the hop leaves, and also changes the overall character of the oil. Maybe tea is the same way? With Earl Grey–because of the fragile nature of the oil–it is best not to mix anything else with the tea. Bourbon should not be added, but rather should be taken neat on the side.

This little “city” is populated by 50,000 people… mostly mexicans, hahahah!! it’s a joke see, cause I’m one… ah! nevermind! stupid English

Edit: I was kding about the mexican thing… jk! no, seriously, I was joking about English being stupid… they’re just ignorant cocky self-absorb stuck up… okay, I’ll stop and go to bed now… :slight_smile: