You know that you have it bad when … you live vicariously through others’ unicycle purchases, post the tracking numbers so that we all can share in the excitement of new additions / modifications.
and the visa number used to order it
My parts come today.
Re: When you’ve got it BAD!
you apologize to your eight unicycles in the basement because you’re riding your bicycle into work that day.
Re: Re: When you’ve got it BAD!
Wow. I apologize to my other unis when one is dominating my riding time. I also curse at them when I repeatedly foul up attempts at various things, but then end up assuring them it’s me and not them.
I haven’t brought them flowers or presents yet, though.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
Re: Re: Re: When you’ve got it BAD!
I’ve not ridden my trials uni since I came back to York, two weeks ago. In fact it’s still under the bed, without the seat on. I should go and hug it to make it feel wanted…
Re: When you’ve got it BAD!
What could be the harm? (famous last words)
Knock yourself out: 1Z 196 1EW 12 5888 499 8
Thursday can’t get here fast enough!
I remember a few years ago when I ordered a kayak paddle. I tracked it when it left Maine, kept coming my way, hit St. Louis, then went to Georgia, back to Maine, back to St. Louis and finally continued onward to Denver and eventually found me in Colorado Springs. Needless to say I didn’t have it for the kayak trip I was taking. I had to buy one at a shop, and after all that, I returned the 1st one. I didn’t track the return trip but I guess it got back home.
That’s my tracking story. I hope you enjoyed it.
I don’t think these clowns get it.
…when everything you look at is immediately assesed as to its trials abilities
This thread was inspired by the fact that when somebody in the Memphis Unicycle Club gets an addition to the herd we all get really exited and anticipate the addition. I think that it is pretty weird that I get such pleasure out of my own purchases but I get almost as much pleasure vicariously out of others’ too. One of our members recently took the plunge and, after 20 years of riding, finally got a MUni. He’s going to wet his pants he’ll be so excited when he sees all the muddy fun that he’s been missing. I can’t wait!
That and/or Muni. . .
You know that you’ve got it bad when…
you put Unicycle.Com in your speed dial feature of your cell phone so that you are able to make the “must have” purchase sent to you while you are driving at 70 mph.
You know that you’ve got it bad when…
…you fly to Jackson, MS and haul a unicycle with you just to ride with friends you met over the internet. And then wonder when you can do it again and where your next stop will be.
Your signature is longer than your post and all you think about alll day is the tire pressure of your uni tire and the effect this will have on hopping.
…When you go to a lecture and pay more attention to the extremely hoppable rocks outside the window than the lecture itself…
…when you see this photo in a leading Dutch newspaper and your first thought is “Wow, trials unicycling is REALLY becoming mainstream”.
Klaas Bil
I looked at the picture before reading your caption and my first thought was “he’s broken his wheel”…
You know you got it bad when…
-You recognise a carton of yourself on the white board at work BECAUSE it has a stick unicycle.
-When your colleges nick name you “one wheelie”
Ho Hum
…When you spend 30 minutes reading a useless post just because another unicyclist wrote it.
…When you spend your time tracking down unicyclists, so you have somebody to ride with.
…When you convince your big bro to start learning how to unicycle because you also have no one to ride with.
…You learn the kickup mount for the sole purpose to impress the neighbours and any other non-unicyclist who might be watching.
…Your mom decides she wants to learn to uni… just kidding. It’ll be kinda cool when my mom learns to ride the elusive unicycle.
…You go to more than any other site on the web. Okay, okay, I guess it isn’t THAT bad.
Au revoir!